我正在尝试在我的MacBook Air(运行 OS X Mavericks (10.9))上安装Gforth ,但是会产生以下错误:brew install gforth
Error: gforth dependency libffi was built with the following
C++ standard library: libstdc++ (from clang)
This is incompatible with the standard library being used
to build gforth: libc++ (from clang)
Please reinstall libffi using a compatible compiler.
我知道问题是什么(libffi 是用旧版本的 C++ 标准库构建的),但我不确定如何使用Homebrew解决这个问题。我可以通过 Homebrew 卸载 libffi 并使用 libc++ 重新安装它,还是需要采取更严厉的措施?