

public void Retry()
    if (ScenarioContext.Current.TestError != null)
     // ?     

注意:我项目中的测试组合在 Ordered 测试中,并通过MsTest执行。


4 回答 4


这个插件很棒。https://github.com/arrty/specflow-retry。我让它与 nunit 一起工作,他的例子是使用 MS-Test


Scenario: Tag on scenario is preferred
Then scenario should be run 3 times
于 2016-02-12T23:11:34.740 回答


我正在运行 UI 测试(对 Angular 应用程序使用 selenium),有时 chromedriver 由于不明原因而无响应。这种行为完全不受我的控制,不存在可行的解决方案。我无法在 SpecFlow 步骤中重试此操作,因为我有登录应用程序的“给定”步骤。当它在“何时”步骤中失败时,我还需要重新运行“给定”步骤。在这种情况下,我想关闭驱动程序,重新启动它,然后重新运行之前的所有步骤。作为最后的手段,我为 SpecFlow 编写了一个自定义测试运行程序,可以从如下错误中恢复:

免责声明:这不是预期用途,它可能会在任何版本的 SpecFlow 中中断。如果您是测试纯粹主义者,请不要进一步阅读。

首先,我们创建一个类,以便轻松创建自定义 ITestRunner(将所有方法提供为虚拟方法,以便可以覆盖它们):

public class OverrideableTestRunner : ITestRunner
    private readonly ITestRunner _runner;

    public OverrideableTestRunner(ITestRunner runner)
        _runner = runner;

    public int ThreadId => _runner.ThreadId;

    public FeatureContext FeatureContext => _runner.FeatureContext;

    public ScenarioContext ScenarioContext => _runner.ScenarioContext;

    public virtual void And(string text, string multilineTextArg, Table tableArg, string keyword = null)
        _runner.And(text, multilineTextArg, tableArg, keyword);

    public virtual void But(string text, string multilineTextArg, Table tableArg, string keyword = null)
        _runner.But(text, multilineTextArg, tableArg, keyword);

    public virtual void CollectScenarioErrors()

    public virtual void Given(string text, string multilineTextArg, Table tableArg, string keyword = null)
        _runner.Given(text, multilineTextArg, tableArg, keyword);

    public virtual void InitializeTestRunner(int threadId)

    public virtual void OnFeatureEnd()

    public virtual void OnFeatureStart(FeatureInfo featureInfo)

    public virtual void OnScenarioEnd()

    public virtual void OnScenarioInitialize(ScenarioInfo scenarioInfo)

    public virtual void OnScenarioStart()

    public virtual void OnTestRunEnd()

    public virtual void OnTestRunStart()

    public virtual void Pending()

    public virtual void SkipScenario()

    public virtual void Then(string text, string multilineTextArg, Table tableArg, string keyword = null)
        _runner.Then(text, multilineTextArg, tableArg, keyword);

    public virtual void When(string text, string multilineTextArg, Table tableArg, string keyword = null)
        _runner.When(text, multilineTextArg, tableArg, keyword);


public class RetryTestRunner : OverrideableTestRunner
    /// <summary>
    /// Which exceptions to handle (default: all)
    /// </summary>
    public Predicate<Exception> HandleExceptionFilter { private get; set; } = _ => true;

    /// <summary>
    /// The action that is executed to recover
    /// </summary>
    public Action RecoverAction { private get; set; } = () => { };

    /// <summary>
    /// The maximum number of retries
    /// </summary>
    public int MaxRetries { private get; set; } = 10;

    /// <summary>
    /// The executed actions for this scenario, these need to be replayed in the case of an error
    /// </summary>
    private readonly List<(MethodInfo method, object[] args)> _previousSteps = new List<(MethodInfo method, object[] args)>();

    /// <summary>
    /// The number of the current try (to make sure we don't go over the specified limit)
    /// </summary>
    private int _currentTryNumber = 0;

    public NonSuckingTestRunner(ITestExecutionEngine engine) : base(new TestRunner(engine))

    public override void OnScenarioStart()

        _currentTryNumber = 0;

    public override void Given(string text, string multilineTextArg, Table tableArg, string keyword = null)
        base.Given(text, multilineTextArg, tableArg, keyword);
        Checker()(text, multilineTextArg, tableArg, keyword);

    public override void But(string text, string multilineTextArg, Table tableArg, string keyword = null)
        base.But(text, multilineTextArg, tableArg, keyword);
        Checker()(text, multilineTextArg, tableArg, keyword);

    public override void And(string text, string multilineTextArg, Table tableArg, string keyword = null)
        base.And(text, multilineTextArg, tableArg, keyword);
        Checker()(text, multilineTextArg, tableArg, keyword);

    public override void Then(string text, string multilineTextArg, Table tableArg, string keyword = null)
        base.Then(text, multilineTextArg, tableArg, keyword);
        Checker()(text, multilineTextArg, tableArg, keyword);

    public override void When(string text, string multilineTextArg, Table tableArg, string keyword = null)
        base.When(text, multilineTextArg, tableArg, keyword);
        Checker()(text, multilineTextArg, tableArg, keyword);

    // Use this delegate combination to make a params call possible
    // It is not possible to use a params argument and the CallerMemberName
    // in one method, so we curry the method to make it possible. #functionalprogramming
    public delegate void ParamsFunc(params object[] args);

    private ParamsFunc Checker([CallerMemberName] string method = null)
        return args =>
            // Record the previous step
            _previousSteps.Add((GetType().GetMethod(method), args));

            // Determine if we should retry
            if (ScenarioContext.ScenarioExecutionStatus != ScenarioExecutionStatus.TestError || !HandleExceptionFilter(ScenarioContext.TestError) || _currentTryNumber >= MaxRetries)

            // HACKY: Reset the test state to a non-error state
            typeof(ScenarioContext).GetProperty(nameof(ScenarioContext.ScenarioExecutionStatus)).SetValue(ScenarioContext, ScenarioExecutionStatus.OK);
            typeof(ScenarioContext).GetProperty(nameof(ScenarioContext.TestError)).SetValue(ScenarioContext, null);

            // Trigger the recovery action

            // Retry the steps
            var stepsToPlay = _previousSteps.ToList();
            stepsToPlay.ForEach(s => s.method.Invoke(this, s.args));

接下来,配置 SpecFlow 以使用我们自己的测试运行程序(这也可以作为插件添加)。

 /// <summary>
/// We need this because this is the only way to configure specflow before it starts
/// </summary>
public class CustomDependencyProvider : DefaultDependencyProvider
    public static void AssemblyInitialize(TestContext testContext)
        // Override the dependency provider of specflow
        ContainerBuilder.DefaultDependencyProvider = new CustomDependencyProvider();

    public static void AssemblyCleanup()

    public override void RegisterTestThreadContainerDefaults(ObjectContainer testThreadContainer)

        // Use our own testrunner
        testThreadContainer.RegisterTypeAs<NonSuckingTestRunner, ITestRunner>();

此外,将其添加到您的 .csproj:


现在我们可以使用 testrunner 从错误中恢复:

public class TestInitialize
    private readonly RetryTestRunner _testRunner;

    public TestInitialize(ITestRunner testRunner)
        _testRunner = testRunner as RetryTestRunner;

    public void TestInit()
        _testRunner.RecoverAction = () =>

        _testRunner.HandleExceptionFilter = ex => ex is WebDriverException;

要在 AfterScenario 步骤中使用它,您可以向 testrunner 添加一个 RetryScenario() 方法并调用它。


于 2020-03-30T08:59:38.420 回答


我设法使用 MsTest 做到了这一点,因为您可以创建一个继承自 TestMethodAttribute 的类。

首先,我将此部分添加到我的 csproj 文件的底部,以便在生成 *.feature.cs 文件之后但在实际构建之前调用自定义 powershell 脚本:

<Target Name="OverrideTestMethodAttribute" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild">
    <Message Text="Calling OverrideTestMethodAttribute.ps1" Importance="high" />
    <Exec Command="powershell -Command &quot;$(ProjectDir)OverrideTestMethodAttribute.ps1&quot;" />

OverrideTestMethodAttribute.ps1 powershell 脚本然后执行查找/替换以更改对我的 IntegrationTestMethodAttribute 的所有 TestMethodAttribute 引用。脚本内容为:

Write-Host "Running OverrideTestMethodAttribute.ps1"

$mask = "$PSScriptRoot\Features\*.feature.cs"
$codeBehindFiles = Get-ChildItem $mask
Write-Host "Found $($codeBehindFiles.Count) feature code-behind files in $mask"
foreach ($file in $codeBehindFiles)
    Write-Host "Working on feature code-behind file: $($file.PSPath)"
    $oldContent = Get-Content $file.PSPath
    $newContent = $oldContent.Replace(`
        '[Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestMethodAttribute()]', `

    Set-Content -Path $file.PSPath -Value $newContent

以及进行实际重试的 IntegrationTestMethodAttribute 类:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

namespace MyCompany.MyProduct
    public class IntegrationTestMethodAttribute : TestMethodAttribute
        public override TestResult[] Execute(ITestMethod testMethod)
            TestResult[] testResults = null;
            var failedAttempts = new List<TestResult>();

            int maxAttempts = 5;
            for (int i = 0; i < maxAttempts; i++)
                testResults = base.Execute(testMethod);
                Exception ex = testResults[0].TestFailureException;
                if (ex == null)

            if (failedAttempts.Any() && failedAttempts.Count != maxAttempts)
                TestResult testResult = testResults[0];

                var messages = new StringBuilder();
                for (var i = 0; i < failedAttempts.Count; i++)
                    var result = failedAttempts[i];
                    messages.AppendLine($"Failure #{i + 1}:");

                testResult.Outcome = UnitTestOutcome.Error;
                testResult.TestFailureException = new Exception($"Test failed {failedAttempts.Count} time(s), then succeeded");
                testResult.TestContextMessages = messages.ToString();
                testResult.LogError = "";
                testResult.DebugTrace = "";
                testResult.LogOutput = "";
            return testResults;
于 2019-11-26T13:45:29.047 回答

Specflow 场景的目的是断言系统的行为符合预期。





大多数情况下,测试失败是由于时间问题,例如页面加载期间元素不存在。在这种情况下,给定一个一致的测试环境(即相同的测试数据库、相同的测试浏览器、相同的网络设置),那么您将再次能够编写可重复的测试。查看有关使用 WebDriverWait 等待预定时间以测试预期 DOM 元素是否存在的答案

于 2014-01-22T14:36:36.780 回答