My goal is to create an AIR/GraniteDS (Tide/Spring/Hibernate) application with ability to extend it by third party developers using flex modules on client-side and some "modular" technology on server-side.

For flex side, GraniteDS gives possibility to add modules into Tide context. But i have not any idea what is going to be happening on server side.

What do i have to use on server side? Any modular framework which will works with GraniteDS?

Will be grateful for any help, ideas or point to sample code or tutorial.


1 回答 1


我认为这个问题很笼统。答案是——你不必使用任何特别的东西,GraniteDS 可以使用任何东西。您可以使用 Spring、EJB 或其他任何方式构建您的服务器。正如您所说,GraniteDS 在这里真的像一个“插件”,它将用于将数据传输到您的 flex 客户端。在 flex 中,graniteDS 也会处理您的数据,但它也可以用作客户端框架,但它是可选的,并且如前所述,它只是 CLIENT 框架。只需创建独立于客户端的服务器,我会推荐。

于 2014-01-21T12:09:52.083 回答