我们在 Exchange 服务器上设置了一个带有多个别名的邮箱。然后 php 脚本循环执行,查看邮件发送到的别名并确定要采取的操作。

这一切都适用于 Exchange 2003,但我们最近将系统升级到 Exchange 2010,突然 php imap 数据告诉我,无论它实际发送到哪里,它发送到的地址始终是默认地址。

通过 Outlook 打开电子邮件时,属性会显示有效的“收件人”地址。下面是 Outlook 和 PHP (imap_fetchheader)


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通过的内容是有效的,但由于某种原因,升级后只有默认邮箱显示给 php,而不是电子邮件发送到的别名。



1 回答 1


I finally found a way around this problem so thought i would post it for others if they have a similar problem.

Rather than using an alias on the main account as worked with legacy exchange I built a distribution group and added the account as the only member.

When php looked up the "to" address it then came through correctly

于 2013-01-25T10:17:49.037 回答