Seems like you need to install imagemagick first. You can download it from the official project page:
This should do it for you. Generally I suggest you to not to use Windows to develop. Ruby and Rails arent performing well on Windows and you can totally forget running a rails app on a windows host in production mode.
// you cant install imagemagick using the command gem install rmagick
because rmagick
is a wrapper for imagemagick but doesnt include the binary files. You need to install imagemagick first. To do that go to the website I posted => Binary Releases => Windows => Download ImageMagick-6.8.8-2-Q16-x64-dll.exe
and install it. Then run bundle install
Also it can be a problem using windows when the rmagick
gem isnt made for windows operating systems. Again: I strongly suggest you tu use a Linux Operating system for everything that is related to ruby, rails or programming web stuff.