I am using Magento version

I have a product with the following "Special Price From Date" and "Special Price To Date" (present under 'Prices' tab in product edit page):

Special Price From Date = 4/7/13 (i.e. April 07, 2013)

Special Price To Date = 7/3/13 (i.e. July 03, 2013)

Then I run the following code to update the product:

        ->setName('Some new name for the product')

The problem is that the special price from date and to date is changed automatically. Now, the special price from and to date become like this:

Special Price From Date = 7/4/13 (i.e. July 04, 2013)

Special Price To Date = 3/7/13 (i.e. March 07, 2013)

Any help please?


1 回答 1


由于它似乎是一个格式问题,它正在颠倒日期和月份(其中 4/7 变为 7/4)如果您尝试重置日期会发生什么

$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')

 $product->setName('Some new name for the product')
               ->setSpecialFromDate($product->getSpecialFromDate()) // assuming that this = YYYY-MM-DD

请参阅在 Magento 中以编程方式设置特价

于 2013-07-08T22:09:27.737 回答