我在标题为章节的附录 I 中找到了一个算法
贾维斯,雷。基于距离变换的机器人导航路径规划。移动机器人的最新趋势, 1993,11:3-31。
郑元芳(主编)。移动机器人的最新趋势。世界科学,1993 年。
该算法的 C++ 实现如下:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <sstream>
Algorithm in the appendix I of the chapter titled
JARVIS, Ray. Distance transform based path planning for robot navigation. *Recent trends in mobile robots*, 1993, 11: 3-31.
in the book
ZHENG, Yuang F. (ed.). *Recent trends in mobile robots*. World Scientific, 1993.
See also http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21215244/least-cost-path-using-a-given-distance-transform
template < class T >
class Matrix
int m_width;
int m_height;
std::vector<T> m_data;
Matrix(int width, int height) :
m_width(width), m_height(height), m_data(width *height) {}
int width() const
return m_width;
int height() const
return m_height;
void set(int x, int y, const T &value)
m_data[x + y * m_width] = value;
const T &get(int x, int y) const
return m_data[x + y * m_width];
float distance( const Matrix< float > &a, const Matrix< float > &b )
assert(a.width() == b.width());
assert(a.height() == b.height());
float r = 0;
for ( int y = 0; y < a.height(); y++ )
for ( int x = 0; x < a.width(); x++ )
r += fabs(a.get(x, y) - b.get(x, y));
return r;
int PPMGammaEncode(float radiance, float d)
//return int(std::pow(std::min(1.0f, std::max(0.0f, radiance * d)),1.0f / 2.2f) * 255.0f);
return radiance;
void PPM_image_save(const Matrix<float> &img, const std::string &filename, float d = 15.0f)
FILE *file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "wt");
const int m_width = img.width();
const int m_height = img.height();
fprintf(file, "P3 %d %d 255\n", m_width, m_height);
for (int y = 0; y < m_height; ++y)
fprintf(file, "\n# y = %d\n", y);
for (int x = 0; x < m_width; ++x)
const float &c(img.get(x, y));
fprintf(file, "%d %d %d\n",
PPMGammaEncode(c, d),
PPMGammaEncode(c, d),
PPMGammaEncode(c, d));
void PPM_image_save(const Matrix<bool> &img, const std::string &filename, float d = 15.0f)
FILE *file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "wt");
const int m_width = img.width();
const int m_height = img.height();
fprintf(file, "P3 %d %d 255\n", m_width, m_height);
for (int y = 0; y < m_height; ++y)
fprintf(file, "\n# y = %d\n", y);
for (int x = 0; x < m_width; ++x)
float v = img.get(x, y) ? 255 : 0;
fprintf(file, "%d %d %d\n",
PPMGammaEncode(v, d),
PPMGammaEncode(v, d),
PPMGammaEncode(v, d));
void add_obstacles(Matrix<bool> &m, int n, int avg_lenght, int sd_lenght)
int side = std::max(3, std::min(m.width(), m.height()) / 10);
for ( int y = m.height() / 2 - side / 2; y < m.height() / 2 + side / 2; y++ )
for ( int x = m.width() / 2 - side / 2; x < m.width() / 2 + side / 2; x++ )
m.set(x, y, true);
for ( int y = m.height()/2-side/2; y < m.height()/2+side/2; y++ ) {
for ( int x = 0; x < m.width()/2+side; x++ ) {
for ( int y = 0; y < m.height(); y++ )
m.set(0, y, true);
m.set(m.width() - 1, y, true);
for ( int x = 0; x < m.width(); x++ )
m.set(x, 0, true);
m.set(x, m.height() - 1, true);
class Info
Info() {}
Info(float v, int x_o, int y_o): value(v), x_offset(x_o), y_offset(y_o) {}
float value;
int x_offset;
int y_offset;
bool operator<(const Info &rhs) const
return value < rhs.value;
void next(const Matrix<float> &m, const int &x, const int &y, int &x_n, int &y_n)
//todo: choose the diagonal adiacent in case of ties.
x_n = x;
y_n = y;
Info neighbours[8];
neighbours[0] = Info(m.get(x - 1, y - 1), -1, -1);
neighbours[1] = Info(m.get(x , y - 1), 0, -1);
neighbours[2] = Info(m.get(x + 1, y - 1), +1, -1);
neighbours[3] = Info(m.get(x - 1, y ), -1, 0);
neighbours[4] = Info(m.get(x + 1, y ), +1, 0);
neighbours[5] = Info(m.get(x - 1, y + 1), -1, +1);
neighbours[6] = Info(m.get(x , y + 1), 0, +1);
neighbours[7] = Info(m.get(x + 1, y + 1), +1, +1);
auto the_min = *std::min_element(neighbours, neighbours + 8);
x_n += the_min.x_offset;
y_n += the_min.y_offset;
int main(int, char **)
std::size_t xMax = 200;
std::size_t yMax = 150;
Matrix<float> cell(xMax + 2, yMax + 2);
Matrix<bool> start(xMax + 2, yMax + 2);
start.set(0.1 * xMax, 0.1 * yMax, true);
Matrix<bool> goal(xMax + 2, yMax + 2);
goal.set(0.9 * xMax, 0.9 * yMax, true);
Matrix<bool> blocked(xMax + 2, yMax + 2);
add_obstacles(blocked, 1, 1, 1);
PPM_image_save(blocked, "blocked.ppm");
PPM_image_save(start, "start.ppm");
PPM_image_save(goal, "goal.ppm");
for ( int y = 0; y <= yMax + 1; y++ )
for ( int x = 0; x <= xMax + 1; x++ )
if ( goal.get(x, y) )
cell.set(x, y, 0.);
cell.set(x, y, xMax * yMax);
Matrix<float> previous_cell = cell;
float values[5];
int cnt = 0;
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "cell_" << cnt++ << ".ppm";
PPM_image_save(cell, oss.str());
previous_cell = cell;
for ( int y = 2; y <= yMax; y++ )
for ( int x = 2; x <= xMax; x++ )
if (!blocked.get(x, y))
values[0] = cell.get(x - 1, y ) + 1;
values[1] = cell.get(x - 1, y - 1) + 1;
values[2] = cell.get(x , y - 1) + 1;
values[3] = cell.get(x + 1, y - 1) + 1;
values[4] = cell.get(x , y );
cell.set(x, y, *std::min_element(values, values + 5));
for ( int y = yMax - 1; y >= 1; y-- )
for ( int x = xMax - 1; x >= 1; x-- )
if (!blocked.get(x, y))
values[0] = cell.get(x + 1, y ) + 1;
values[1] = cell.get(x + 1, y + 1) + 1;
values[2] = cell.get(x , y + 1) + 1;
values[3] = cell.get(x - 1, y + 1) + 1;
values[4] = cell.get(x , y );
cell.set(x, y, *std::min_element(values, values + 5));
while (distance(previous_cell, cell) > 0.);
PPM_image_save(cell, "cell.ppm");
Matrix<bool> path(xMax + 2, yMax + 2);
for ( int y_s = 1; y_s <= yMax; y_s++ )
for ( int x_s = 1; x_s <= xMax; x_s++ )
if ( start.get(x_s, y_s) )
int x = x_s;
int y = y_s;
while (!goal.get(x, y))
path.set(x, y, true);
int x_n, y_n;
next(cell, x, y, x_n, y_n);
x = x_n;
y = y_n;
PPM_image_save(path, "path.ppm");
return 0;
该算法使用简单的 PPM 图像格式,例如Hughes 等人的《计算机图形学:原理与实践 - 第三版》一书的第 15 章。为了保存图像。
以下 png 图像是障碍物的图像,程序生成的blocked.ppm
图像通过 Gimp 导出为 png:

下面的 png 图像是起点的图像,程序生成的start.ppm
图像是通过 Gimp 导出为 png 的:

下面的 png 图像是终点的图像,程序生成的goal.ppm
图像是通过 Gimp 导出为 png 的:

以下 png 图像是计算路径的图像,程序生成的path.ppm
图像通过 Gimp 导出为 png:

下面的 png 图像是距离变换的图像,程序生成的cell.ppm
图像是通过 Gimp 导出为 png 的:

看了之后我找到了 Jarvis 的文章
下巴,Yew Tuck 等人。使用距离变换的视觉引导 agv。在:第 32 届 ISR(国际机器人研讨会)论文集。2001 页。21.
Jarvis 的算法在以下论文中进行了回顾,作者指出:
ELIZONDO-LEAL,胡安·卡洛斯;帕拉-冈萨雷斯,以斯拉·费德里科;RAMÍREZ-TORRES,何塞·加布里埃尔。精确欧几里得距离变换:通用路径规划的新算法。Int J Adv Robotic Sy,2013 年,10.266。