I am digging into Three.js and am experimenting with vrml, and now with collada files.

Importing a collada file works. It works with webGL AND canvas as a fallback : my 3D model rotates, shows the model… and in webGL i can even have that wonderful effects like shadows, bumps, etc.

I did achieve loading another texture file, assigning it to the webGL renderer… but in this particular case, the canvas renderer completely fails : frames drop from 60fps to 2fps, and the texture "slides" on the polygons.

I guess i miss something in order to "fix" the texture to the model, or when importing the texture maybe do i miss some parameters ? Once again it is working fine without changing the texture… but i really need to do so :p

Here is a working preview : http://dokmixer.com/three-tests/

And here is the part where the magic fails :

//model loading
      loader = new THREE.ColladaLoader();
      loader.load('models/collada/7cm.005.dae',function colladaReady( collada ){
        player = collada.scene;
        skin = collada.skins [ 0 ];
        player.scale.x = player.scale.y = player.scale.z = 0.10;

        if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') != -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') == -1) {
          var newskinTexture = new THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( 'models/collada/dokMixer.png' );
          themodel = collada.scene.children[0];
          themodel.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: newskinTexture, overdraw: true} );
        else {
          var newskinTexture = new THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( 'models/collada/dokMixer.png' );
          var bumpTexture = new THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( 'models/collada/noise.png' );
          bumpTexture.anisotropy = 2;
          player_material = collada.scene.children[0].material;
          themodel = collada.scene.children[0];
          themodel.material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { map: newskinTexture, bumpMap: bumpTexture, bumpScale: 0.05} );

        //utile pour avoir les ombres
        daemesh = player.children[0];
        daemesh.castShadow = true;
        daemesh.receiveShadow = true;

        scene.add( player ); 

The part to look into is the first if statement (as i am testing canvas with Safari, before expanding to other canvas enabled devices). When assigning a new material, the renderer completely fails. You can test the effect by going to the page with Safari.

Note : i am working on OSX if that can be of any relevant information.

Any help appreciated :)

EDIT : i guess i'm setting here a new material, instead of replacing only the source image file ?


1 回答 1




好吧,不是加载然后更改纹理……我更改了 ColladaLoader.js 文件中的代码。嗯,几乎一样。由于我使用“加载”,我在加载函数中添加了几次 imageReload,并且在调用“解析”函数时。然后,在解析函数中,我也做了一些更改,因为给出的代码在他们的链接上是错误的。对于那些感兴趣的人,一份更改列表和我的最终代码。遗憾的是,我无法实现“相同”的功能(发送一组纹理、执行 regExp 以及一次替换多个纹理),这部分对我来说是错误的,因为我只需要更改一个纹理文件……< /p>

  • 我不做 iamge.init_from = iR.new_image; 在 regExp 循环的东西中……而是添加 image.init_from = iR; 就在正则表达式之前。
  • 在我的文件中调用函数时,我发送了一个数组......它没有记录,没有示例,并且很难理解它。好吧,不要尝试直接发送 .png 或 .jpeg url,将这些名称放在一个表中,然后在调用该数组的函数中。不要忘记删除路径,因为它应该与您的 collada 文件中描述的路径相同(所以在我的情况下,只是纹理名称,因为我的 collada 文件与纹理共享相同的文件夹)。
  • 在psychok的代码中,“parseLib”调用中显然存在错误,他在其中编写了类似 parseLib("//dae:library_materials/dae:material", Material, "material"); 而不是 parseLib("library_materials material", Material, "material"); (这是有效的,并且是原始代码)。

所以,长话短说,这是我称之为 collada 的代码

 loader = new THREE.ColladaLoader();
      newtextures = ['dokMixer.png'];
      loader.load('models/collada/7cm.005.dae', newtextures,function colladaReady( collada ){
        player = collada.scene;
        skin = collada.skins [ 0 ];
        player.scale.x = player.scale.y = player.scale.z = 0.10;

        //i'll add code here later for extra bump mapping on webgl versions

        //usefull for shadows on webgl version
        daemesh = player.children[0];
        daemesh.castShadow = true;
        daemesh.receiveShadow = true;

        scene.add( player ); 

这是 colladaLoader 中的代码。它是函数加载和解析的替代品。

function load ( url, imageReplace, readyCallback, progressCallback ) {

    var length = 0;

    if ( document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument ) {

        var request = new XMLHttpRequest();

        request.onreadystatechange = function() {

            if( request.readyState == 4 ) {

                if( request.status == 0 || request.status == 200 ) {

                    if ( request.responseXML ) {

                        readyCallbackFunc = readyCallback;
                        parse( request.responseXML, imageReplace, undefined, url );

                    } else if ( request.responseText ) {

                        readyCallbackFunc = readyCallback;
                        var xmlParser = new DOMParser();
                        var responseXML = xmlParser.parseFromString( request.responseText, "application/xml" );
                        parse( responseXML, imageReplace, undefined, url );

                    } else {

                        console.error( "ColladaLoader: Empty or non-existing file (" + url + ")" );



            } else if ( request.readyState == 3 ) {

                if ( progressCallback ) {

                    if ( length == 0 ) {

                        length = request.getResponseHeader( "Content-Length" );


                    progressCallback( { total: length, loaded: request.responseText.length } );




        request.open( "GET", url, true );
        request.send( null );

    } else {

        alert( "Don't know how to parse XML!" );



function parse( doc, imageReplace, callBack, url ) {

    COLLADA = doc;
    callBack = callBack || readyCallbackFunc;

    if ( url !== undefined ) {

        var parts = url.split( '/' );
        baseUrl = ( parts.length < 1 ? '.' : parts.join( '/' ) ) + '/';


    images = parseLib( "library_images image", _Image, "image" );

    for(var i in imageReplace) {
        var iR = imageReplace[i];

        for(var i in images) {
            var image = images[i];
            //added line, but no multiple textures !
            image.init_from = iR; 

            //RegExp and patt.test not working
            var patt=new RegExp('[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]*\/'+iR.name,'g');
                image.init_from = iR.new_image; 

    materials = parseLib( "library_materials material", Material, "material" );
    effects = parseLib( "library_effects effect", Effect, "effect" );
    geometries = parseLib( "library_geometries geometry", Geometry, "geometry" );
    cameras = parseLib( "library_cameras camera", Camera, "camera" );
    lights = parseLib( "library_lights light", Light, "light" );
    controllers = parseLib( "library_controllers controller", Controller, "controller" );
    animations = parseLib( "library_animations animation", Animation, "animation" );
    visualScenes = parseLib( "library_visual_scenes visual_scene", VisualScene, "visual_scene" );
    // materials = parseLib( "//dae:library_materials/dae:material", Material, "material" );
    // effects = parseLib( "//dae:library_effects/dae:effect", Effect, "effect" );
    // geometries = parseLib( "//dae:library_geometries/dae:geometry", Geometry, "geometry" );
    // cameras = parseLib( ".//dae:library_cameras/dae:camera", Camera, "camera" );
    // controllers = parseLib( "//dae:library_controllers/dae:controller", Controller, "controller" );
    // animations = parseLib( "//dae:library_animations/dae:animation", Animation, "animation" );
    // visualScenes = parseLib( ".//dae:library_visual_scenes/dae:visual_scene", VisualScene, "visual_scene" );

    morphs = [];
    skins = [];

    daeScene = parseScene();
    scene = new THREE.Object3D();

    for ( var i = 0; i < daeScene.nodes.length; i ++ ) {

        scene.add( createSceneGraph( daeScene.nodes[ i ] ) );


// unit conversion


    var result = {

        scene: scene,
        morphs: morphs,
        skins: skins,
        animations: animData,
        dae: {
            images: images,
            materials: materials,
            cameras: cameras,
            effects: effects,
            geometries: geometries,
            controllers: controllers,
            animations: animations,
            visualScenes: visualScenes,
            scene: daeScene


    if ( callBack ) {

        callBack( result );


    return result;


希望这对某人有帮助!玩得开心 !:)

于 2014-01-22T10:25:42.713 回答