查看其他寻路算法(例如 Breath-First、Depth-First、Minimax、Negmax 等)并权衡您的场景的正面和负面。
Boost 还有一个 A-star 实现。尝试按照这些说明在 iPhone 上构建 boost,但它可能对您不起作用:它不是 boost 的“完整端口”,它可能会出错。
以下内容来自Algorithms in a Nutshell(Java,不是 C++,但也许您想移植它):
public Solution search( INode initial, INode goal ) {
// Start from the initial state
INodeSet open = StateStorageFactory.create( StateStorageFactory.TREE );
INode copy = initial.copy();
scoringFunction.score( copy );
open.insert( copy );
// Use Hashtable to store states we have already visited.
INodeSet closed = StateStorageFactory.create( StateStorageFactory. HASH );
while( !open.isEmpty() ) {
// Remove node with smallest evaluation function and mark closed.
INode n = open.remove();
closed.insert( n );
// Return if goal state reached.
if( n.equals( goal ) ) { return new Solution( initial, n ); }
// Compute successor moves and update OPEN/CLOSED lists.
DepthTransition trans = (DepthTransition)n.storedData();
int depth = 1;
if( trans ! = null ) { depth = trans.depth + 1; }
DoubleLinkedList<IMove> moves = n.validMoves();
for( Iterator<IMove> it = moves.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
IMove move = it.next();
// Make move and score the new board state.
INode successor = n.copy();
move.execute( successor );
// Record previous move for solution trace and compute
// evaluation function to see if we have improved upon
// a state already closed
successor.storedData( new DepthTransition( move, n, depth ) );
scoringFunction.score( successor );
// If already visited, see if we are revisiting with lower
// cost. If not, just continue; otherwise, pull out of closed
// and process
INode past = closed.contains( successor );
if( past ! = null ) {
if( successor.score() >= past.score() ) {
// we revisit with our lower cost.
closed.remove( past );
// place into open.
open.insert( successor );
// No solution.
return new Solution( initial, goal, false );