i'm using the IOIO library in android and a bluetooth dongle to get results of the IOIO hardware to the android phone wireless , but there seems to be some lag in communication between the IOIO and Android.

so i don't know whether it was a software issue regarding the code or a hardware issue regarding the bluetooth dongle.

specifically i'm using this code:


to get data from the temperature sensor to android and i have 2 issues:

1-whether the connection was bluetooth or wired usb connection the tempreture reading doesn't update.

2-the bluetooth lagging problem i mentioned above where i sometimes have to reopen the android application many times so that the reading appears, unlike the usb connection where it appears in the first time but never updates.


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private void handleTemp (double temp)
    final float celsius = (float) (temp - 273.15);
    final float fahrenheit = (float) ((celsius*1.8) + 32);
      TempCelsius.post(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
          TempCelsius.setText("Deg C: "+ celsius);
          TempFahrenheit .setText("Deg F: "+ fahrenheit);

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于 2014-01-14T05:47:13.320 回答