我试图让我的程序在 mfc 对话应用程序中循环检查系统时间 24/7。
我的 GUI 有几个按钮:- 开始、停止、退出和几个编辑框来显示值。
它旨在由用户以指定的间隔时间 24/7 读取预定位置的 .txt 文件。这可能是 5 分钟到用户想要的多长时间,但它必须是 5 的倍数。例如,5 分钟、10 分钟、15 分钟、20 分钟等等。
读取 .txt 文件后,它将比较 .txt 文件中的字符串并输出到 .csv 文件。
由于我需要程序 24/7 全天候运行,因此我试图让程序始终检查系统时间,并在达到用户指定的间隔时间时触发一组函数。
BOOL start_flag = true;
并且 start_flag 只会在按下停止按钮后返回 false
while (start_flag)
Timer(); // To add the user entered interval time to current time
Timer_Secondary(); // To compare the converted time against the current time
Read_Log(); // Read the logs
CTime curTime = CTime::GetCurrentTime();
timeString_Hour = curTime.Format("%H");
timeString_Minute = curTime.Format("%M");
timeString_Second = curTime.Format("%S");
Hour = atoi(timeString_Hour);
Minute = atoi(timeString_Minute);
Second = atoi(timeString_Second);
if ((first_run == false) && (Int_Frequency < 60))
int Minute_Add = Minute + Int_Frequency;
if (Minute_Add >= 60)
Minute_Add = Minute_Add - 60;
Hour = Hour + 1;
Minute = Minute_Add;
if ((first_run == false) && (Int_Frequency >= 60))
int Local_Frequency = Int_Frequency;
while (Local_Frequency >= 60)
Local_Frequency = Local_Frequency - 60;
Hour = Hour + 1;
if (first_run)
Hour = Hour + 1;
Minute = 00;
Second = 00;
first_run = false;
timeString_Hour.Format("%d", Hour);
timeString_Minute.Format("%d", Minute);
timeString_Second.Format("%d", Second);
CTime curTime = CTime::GetCurrentTime();
timeString_Hour_Secondary = curTime.Format("%H");
timeString_Minute_Secondary = curTime.Format("%M");
timeString_Second_Secondary = curTime.Format("%S");
Hour_Secondary = atoi(timeString_Hour);
Minute_Secondary = atoi(timeString_Minute);
Second_Secondary = atoi(timeString_Second);
是的,到目前为止我遇到的问题是,由于 while 循环,程序卡在无限循环中,并且 GUI 会因此而冻结,用户将无法让它停止。
while (start_flag)
if((Hour_Secondary == Hour) && (Minute_Secondary == Minute) && (Second_Secondary == Second))
// Run parsing function in this (main bit of code)
start_flag = false; //Set it to false so it will jump back out of this loop
if ((Hour_Secondary != Hour) && (Minute_Secondary != Minute) && (Second_Secondary != Second))
// Some form of time function in this to wait every 1 min then loop back to start of while loop)
// With the timer function, the GUI should be usable at this point of time