我正在尝试在 Windows 8 上安装 Threadscope,以便遵循 Haskell 中的并行和并发编程 – 书。
我成功安装了 GTK+ –bundle,随后尝试通过 cabal 安装 threadscope。安装终止并显示以下信息:
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
gio- failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
gtk- depends on pango- which failed to install.
pango- failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
threadscope-0.2.2 depends on pango- which failed to install.
所以 GIO 和 pango 出了点问题。
Not in scope: type constructor or class `CULLong'
编译 GIO 和 pango 时会出现这些消息,如下所示:
Linking dist/setup-wrapper\setup.exe ...
Configuring gio-
Building gio-
Preprocessing library gio-
[ 1 of 24] Compiling System.GIO.Signals ( dist\build\System\GIO\Signals.hs, dist\build\System\GIO\Signals.o )
[ 2 of 24] Compiling System.GIO.Types ( dist\build\System\GIO\Types.hs, dist\build\System\GIO\Types.o )
Not in scope: type constructor or class `CULLong'
Perhaps you meant `CULong' (imported from Foreign.C.Types)
Linking dist/setup-wrapper\setup.exe ...
Configuring pango-
Building pango-
Preprocessing library pango-
[ 1 of 14] Compiling Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Types ( dist\build\Graphics\Rendering\Pango\Types.hs, dist\build\Graphics\Rendering\Pango\Types.o )
Not in scope: type constructor or class `CULLong'
Perhaps you meant `CULong' (imported from Foreign.C.Types)