
由于图像可以具有可变数据类型(每像素 8 位,每像素 16 位),我想实现我的图像数据指针

void* pimage_data;

但是 void* 会导致各种讨厌的事情,包括丑陋的指针算术,例如

pimage_data = &((unsigned char*)pimage_parent->m_pdata)[offset_y * pimage_parent->m_pitch + offset_x];


CImage* roi = CImage::create_image(size_x, size_y, pimage_parent->m_data_type, pimage_data);

CImage* CImage::create_image(int size_x, int size_y, E_DATA_TYPE data_type, void* pimage)
   assert(size_x > 0);
   assert(size_y > 0);

   CImage* image = new CImage(size_x, size_y, data_type);
   image->m_pdata = pimage;

   return image;



现在我必须同意 void* 不会直接导致 bad_alloc 但我很确定这里有问题。有什么提示吗?


CImage 几乎没有

CImage::CImage(int size_x, int size_y, E_DATA_TYPE data_type)

   assert(size_x > 0);
   assert(size_y > 0);

   // Copy of the parameter to the class members
   this->m_size_x = size_x;
   this->m_size_y = size_y;
   this->m_data_type = data_type;
   this->m_pitch = size_x;

   // The ctor simply create a standalone image for now
   this->m_pimage_child = NULL;
   this->m_pimage_parent = NULL;


尺寸为 x:746, y:325


3 回答 3


When new throws bad_alloc, that means it couldn't allocate the requested size. The common cause for that is using garbage values which are much greater than intended. (It's possible to actually run out of memory too.) For your code, however, either sizeof(CImage) is really huge or bad_alloc is being thrown from some other new expression.

It looks like you want a constructor rather than create_image, and possibly derived classes (one for each image type) with a factory instead of storing data_type.

于 2010-01-19T03:12:49.140 回答

If you need a buffer for raw data with variable BPP, consider just using an array of unsigned char. Encapsulate the access inside a class -- CImage should contain an array that it allocates on construction. Better yet, use a std::vector.

于 2010-01-19T03:15:21.257 回答

bad_alloc 可能意味着您的可用内存不足(因为您说 sizeof(CImage) == 28,您很可能会在紧密或无限循环中执行此操作)。这也可能意味着您已经通过以前的顽皮内存行为破坏了 freestore,并且它只是在下一个分配/释放周期中捕获了它。一个好的调试会话可以帮助区分。

于 2010-01-19T03:50:00.413 回答