I've been having trouble at work with the line:
{ s_b, s_a[0] } <= 2'd3;
In Modelsim 10.2c it appears to assign to b, but not to a.
Does anyone know why this does not work - and whether it is bad style in Verilog?
Full test code
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module modelsim_top_tb;
`define CLK_PERIOD 20
reg clkin = 1'b0;
reg aresetn = 1'b0;
always begin : clkgen
#(`CLK_PERIOD/2) clkin <= ~clkin;
always @(posedge clkin) begin: rstgen
#(`CLK_PERIOD*10) aresetn <= 1'b1;
initial begin
test1 u_test1
module test1(
input wire clk,
input wire aresetn);
reg [7:0] s_a;
reg s_b;
always @(posedge clk or negedge aresetn) begin
if (!aresetn) begin
s_a <= 8'h00;
s_b <= 1'b0;
end else begin
//{s_a[0]} <= 1'd1; // This works
{s_b,s_a[0]} <= 2'd3; // This does not work, a is displayed as 0
$display("a=%d b=%d",s_a,s_b);
Steps to reproduce
I have been testing this code with the commands:
vlib work
vmap work
vlog testcase.v
vsim -c -do "run -all; quit -f" modelsim_top_tb
In Modelsim 10.2c it prints out a value of 0 for s_a on every clock cycle.
However, if I run the same code in EDA playground, all the simulators (including Modelsim 10.1d) correctly print out a value of 1 for s_a after the first clock cycle has passed.