我想匿名下载整个 CVS 存储库。我以前从未使用过 CVS,但在 Windows 上下载了 TortoiseCVS,并且正在寻找下载此存储库的方法。当我尝试为 Windows 中的目录创建新模块并粘贴 URL 时,它失败了。有任何想法吗?
2000 次
1 回答
从格式来看,该 URL 可能仅提供 ViewCVS,而不是 CVS 客户端可用的真正存储库 URL。
快速谷歌搜索显示来自该发布者的文档,该文档提供了存储库 URL,但在同一文档中还说需要 CVS 帐户。
This section describes how the target is built. To download the files, the user must have a cvs-account and cvs-program to the dtusat-cvs. When this is obtained, the user should run these commands, setting the cvs-enviroment up. It is only necessary to run the commands once.
export CVSROOT=:pserver:<username>@cvsdtusat.it.dtu.dk:/home/cvs/repository
cvs login
Now, the directory you are standing in (for example: /home/<username>/cvs) makes the root of the root of the filestructure you are downloading. Now type
cvs checkout dev/onboard
cvs checkout dev/ecos
cvs checkout dev/protocol
cvs checkout dev/util
于 2013-12-15T10:49:19.833 回答