

            n = 13
        For i = 1 To Len(stinput)
            If  (i >= 65 And i <= 90) Or (i >= 97 And i <= 122) Then
                Mid(stinput, i, 1) = Chr(Asc(Mid(stinput, i, 1)) - n)
            End If
        Next i

使用 if 函数,我试图将非字母的 ascii 代码分开,唯一的问题是我在让它工作时遇到了一些麻烦,上面的代码不起作用。



2 回答 2


' 这是我想出来的程序的加密部分,这里是如何在旋转时仅更改选定的字符

 Dim stinput As String = txtinput.Text
    Dim i, n, m, o As Integer
    Dim inleftover As Integer
    If RBRot13.Checked = False Then                 'if neither rotation button is selected, a message will tell user to select one
        If RBActiveSelect.Checked = False Then
            MsgBox("Vous devez choisir le nombre de rotation afin de poursuivre a l'encryption")
        End If
    End If
    txtoutput.Text = ""                             'Clears output box when button is pressed to only show the result
    If RBRot13.Checked = True Then
        For i = 1 To stinput.Length
            n = Asc(Mid(stinput, i, 1))             'Defines the position of the caracter in the ascii table
            Select Case n
                Case 65 To 90 : o = n + 13          'From A(65) to Z(90), adds 13 to their respective ascii number
                    If o > 90 And o <= 103 Then     'if the addition is between 90 and 103(90 +13) 
                        inleftover = o - 91         'Calculate de difference as a leftover 
                        o = 65 + inleftover         'Apply leftover to A(65) so as to not give anything other than a letter
                    End If
                Case 97 To 122 : o = n + 13         'From a(97) to z(122), adds 13 to their respective ascii number
                    If o > 122 And o <= 135 Then    'if the addition is between 122 and 135(122 +13)
                        inleftover = o - 123        'Calculate de difference as a leftover 
                        o = 97 + inleftover         'Apply leftover to a(97) so as to not give anything other than a letter
                    End If
                Case 192 To 219 : o = n + 13        'From À(192) to Z(219), adds 13 to their respective ascii number
                    If o > 219 And o <= 232 Then    'if the addition is between 219 and 232(219 +13)
                        inleftover = o - 220        'Calculate de difference as a leftover 
                        o = 192 + inleftover         'Apply leftover to À(192) so as to not give anything other than an accented letter
                    End If
                Case 224 To 251 : o = n + 13        'From à(224) to Z(251), adds 13 to their respective ascii number
                    If o > 251 And o <= 264 Then    'if the addition is between 251 and 264(251 +13)
                        inleftover = o - 225        'Calculate de difference as a leftover 
                        o = 224 + inleftover         'Apply leftover to à(224) so as to not give anything other than an accented letter
                    End If
                Case Else : o = n
            End Select
    txtoutput.Text = txtoutput.Text & Chr(o)
        Next i

    ElseIf RBActiveSelect.Checked = True Then
        m = Me.NUDChoice.Value                      'Defines the value of the rotation set by the user
        For i = 1 To stinput.Length
            n = Asc(Mid(stinput, i, 1))             'Defines the position of the caracter in the ascii table
            Select Case n
                Case 65 To 90 : o = n + m           'From A(65) to Z(90), adds m to their respective ascii number
                    If o > 90 Then                  'if the addition is over 90 
                        inleftover = o - 91         'Calculate de difference as a leftover 
                        o = 65 + inleftover         'Apply leftover to A(65) so as to not give anything other than a letter
                    End If
                Case 97 To 122 : o = n + m          'From A(65) to Z(90), adds m to their respective ascii number
                    If o > 122 Then                 'if the addition is over 122
                        inleftover = o - 123        'Calculate de difference as a leftover 
                        o = 97 + inleftover         'Apply leftover to A(65) so as to not give anything other than a letter
                    End If
                Case 192 To 219 : o = n + m         'From À(192) to Z(219), adds m to their respective ascii number
                    If o > 219 Then                 'if the addition is over 219
                        inleftover = o - 220        'Calculate de difference as a leftover 
                        o = 192 + inleftover         'Apply leftover to A(192) so as to not give anything other than an accented letter
                    End If
                Case 224 To 251 : o = n + m         'From à(224) to Z(251), adds m to their respective ascii number
                    If o > 251 Then                 'if the addition is over 251
                        inleftover = o - 225        'Calculate de difference as a leftover 
                        o = 224 + inleftover         'Apply leftover to à(224) so as to not give anything other than an accented letter
                    End If
                Case Else : o = n
            End Select
            txtoutput.Text = txtoutput.Text & Chr(o)
        Next i
    End If
End Sub


 Dim stinput As String = txtinput.Text
    Dim i, n, m, o As Integer
    Dim inleftover As Integer
    If RBRot13.Checked = False Then                 'if neither rotation button is selected, a message will tell user to select one
        If RBActiveSelect.Checked = False Then
            MsgBox("Vous devez choisir le nombre de rotation afin de poursuivre a la décryption")
        End If
    End If
    txtoutput.Text = ""                             'Clears output box when button is pressed to only show the result
    If RBRot13.Checked = True Then                  'If Rotation 13 selected do
        For i = 1 To stinput.Length
            n = Asc(Mid(stinput, i, 1))             'Defines the position of the caracter in the ascii table
            Select Case n
                Case 65 To 90 : o = n - 13          'From A(65) to Z(90), deducts 13 to their respective ascii number
                    If o < 65 And o >= 52 Then     'if the addition is between 65 and 52(65 - 13) 
                        inleftover = o - 64         'Calculate de difference as a leftover 
                        o = 90 + inleftover         'Apply leftover to A(65) so as to not give anything other than a letter
                    End If
                Case 97 To 122 : o = n - 13         'From a(97) to z(122), deducts 13 to their respective ascii number
                    If o < 97 And o >= 84 Then    'if the addition is between 97 and 84(97 - 13)
                        inleftover = o - 96         'Calculate de difference as a leftover 
                        o = 122 + inleftover         'Apply leftover to a(97) so as to not give anything other than a letter
                    End If
                Case 192 To 219 : o = n - 13        'From À(192) to Z(219), deducts 13 to their respective ascii number
                    If o < 192 And o >= 179 Then    'if the addition is between 192 and 179(192 - 13)
                        inleftover = o - 191        'Calculate de difference as a leftover 
                        o = 219 + inleftover        'Apply leftover to À(192) so as to not give anything other than an accented letter
                    End If
                Case 224 To 251 : o = n - 13        'From à(224) to Z(251), deducts 13 to their respective ascii number
                    If o < 224 And o >= 211 Then    'if the addition is between 224 and 211(224 - 13)
                        inleftover = o - 223        'Calculate de difference as a leftover 
                        o = 251 + inleftover        'Apply leftover to à(224) so as to not give anything other than an accented letter
                    End If
                Case Else : o = n                   'everything else stays the same
            End Select
            txtoutput.Text = txtoutput.Text & Chr(o)    'Prints the result into the output box
        Next i

    ElseIf RBActiveSelect.Checked = True Then       'If Choice rotation selected do
        m = Me.NUDChoice.Value                      'Defines the value of the rotation set by the user
        For i = 1 To stinput.Length
            n = Asc(Mid(stinput, i, 1))             'Defines the position of the caracter in the ascii table
            Select Case n
                Case 65 To 90 : o = n - m           'From A(65) to Z(90), deducts m to their respective ascii number
                    If o < 65 Then                  'if the addition is under 65 
                        inleftover = o - 64         'Calculate de difference as a leftover 
                        o = 65 + inleftover         'Apply leftover to z(90) so as to not give anything other than a letter
                    End If
                Case 97 To 122 : o = n - m          'From a(97) to z(122), deducts m to their respective ascii number
                    If o < 97 Then                  'if the addition is under 97
                        inleftover = o - 96         'Calculate de difference as a leftover 
                        o = 90 + inleftover         'Apply leftover to z(122) so as to not give anything other than a letter
                    End If
                Case 192 To 219 : o = n - m         'From À(192) to Û(219), deducts m to their respective ascii number
                    If o < 192 Then                 'if the addition is under 192
                        inleftover = o - 191        'Calculate de difference as a leftover 
                        o = 219 + inleftover        'Apply leftover to Û(219) so as to not give anything other than an accented letter
                    End If
                Case 224 To 251 : o = n - m         'From à(224) to û(251), deducts m to their respective ascii number
                    If o < 224 Then                 'if the addition is under 224
                        inleftover = o - 223        'Calculate de difference as a leftover 
                        o = 251 + inleftover        'Apply leftover to û(251) so as to not give anything other than an accented letter
                    End If
                Case Else : o = n                   'everything else stays the same
            End Select
            txtoutput.Text = txtoutput.Text & Chr(o)    'Prints the result to the output box
        Next i
    End If
End Sub

它的功能很长,顺便说一下,m 功能链接到一个列表按钮,可以选择 1 到 25 之间的旋转


于 2013-12-13T01:27:43.003 回答


Dim rot13c As Func(Of Char, Char, Char) = Function(b, c) Chr(If(c >= b And Asc(c) <= Asc(b) + 25, If(Asc(c) + 13 > Asc(b) + 25, Asc(c) - 13, Asc(c) + 13), Asc(c)))
Dim rot13 As Func(Of String, String) = Function(s) New String(s.Select(Function (c) rot13c("a"C, rot13c("A"C, c))).ToArray())


Dim text = "Hello, there. This is a test!"
Dim text13 = rot13(text) ' = "Uryyb, gurer. Guvf vf n grfg!"
Dim text1313 = rot13(text13) ' = "Hello, there. This is a test!"
于 2013-12-13T03:51:46.287 回答