我需要演示一个在 JAVA 中为字符串数组实现深拷贝的代码。以下是我开发的代码。任何人都可以确认它是否正确?
public class Paper implements Cloneable{
private String Type ;
private String[] Text ;
//Default constructor to initialize variables.
public Paper()
this.Type="" ;
this.Text = new String[0] ;
//Necessary constructor.
public Paper(String Type, String[] Text)
this.Type= Type;
//Deep copy
this.Text = new String[Text.length] ;
this.Text = Text.clone() ;
//Flat Copy
this.Text = Text ;
//Here we implements the interface "Cloneable" to make deep copy when we want to
//extend an array of Paper objects.
public Object clone()
Paper cloned = (Paper) super.clone();
cloned.Text = (String[])Text.clone();
return cloned;
catch(CloneNotSupportedException e)
return null;