我将创建一个网站,该网站旨在通过包括 iphone 在内的手机打开。该网站可能包含不同的内容,例如 Javascript 小部件、Flash 内容、图像、文本、保管箱等。该网站正在使用 XHTML 和 Javascript 构建。safari 在打开这样的网站时面临哪些常见问题,请提供您的建议。


2 回答 2


Mobile Safari does not support Flash. Other than that it will cope with anything that a modern desktop browser will cope with.

However, 'coping with' is not the same as 'optimised for'. There are various things you can do to optimise your content for Mobile Safari from a very simple hint about the initial viewport width:

< meta name="viewport" content="width=800" / >

to a separate CSS style sheet, to completely different content using native Mobile Safari widgets and interaction.

I suggest doing a search for 'optimizing for Mobile Safari'. Apple also has a huge amount of resources.

于 2010-01-12T12:02:46.107 回答

我还没有遇到在其他好的浏览器(除了 IE)中没有问题的任何问题。但请记住 flash 不起作用,请查找http://raphaeljs.com/以获取基于 javascript 和 canvas 标签的替代方案。


于 2010-01-12T09:43:16.523 回答