In the App Engine Documentation I found an interesting strategy for keeping up to date with changes in the datastore by using Cursors:

An interesting application of cursors is to monitor entities for unseen changes. If the app sets a timestamp property with the current date and time every time an entity changes, the app can use a query sorted by the timestamp property, ascending, with a Datastore cursor to check when entities are moved to the end of the result list. If an entity's timestamp is updated, the query with the cursor returns the updated entity. If no entities were updated since the last time the query was performed, no results are returned, and the cursor does not move.

However, I'm not quite sure how this can always work. After all, when using the High Replication Datastore, queries are only eventually consistent. So if two entities are put, and only the later of the two is seen by the query, it will move the cursor past both of them. Which will mean that the first of the two new entities will remain unseen.

So is this an actual issue? Or is there some other way that cursors work around this?


2 回答 2





如果您要查询许多实体组,这些实体组始终是最终一致的,则无法保证写入应用/可见的顺序。例如: - Time1 - 写入 EntityA - Time2 - 写入 EntityB - Time3 - 查询只看到 EntityB - Time4 - 查询看到 EntityA 和 EntityB


有关最终/强一致性的更多信息,请参阅使用 Google Cloud Datastore 平衡强一致性和最终一致性

于 2013-12-06T21:46:10.917 回答

如果您可以询问从事此工作的人,您可能会得到最好的信息,但是在考虑一下并重新阅读 Paxos 之后,我认为这应该不是问题,尽管这取决于数据存储的实际情况实施的。



您描述了一个问题案例,其中索引 I 有两个(精确)副本,并创建了两个新实体 E1 和 E2。假设 I1 = I + E1 和 I2 = I + E2,因此根据您读取的索引,您可能会将 E1 或 E2 作为新实体,移动光标,并在索引“修补”时错过实体其他索引,即 I2 最终被修补为 I + E1 + E2。

如果数据存储确实以这种方式发生,那么我怀疑,是的,您可能会遇到问题。但是,这样操作听起来非常困难,而且我怀疑数据存储索引只有在 Paxos 投票达成协议后才会更新。所以你永远不会看到乱序索引,你只会看到迟到的实体:也就是说,你永远不会看到 I + E2,你只会看到 (I) 或 (I + E1)或 (I + E1 + E2)


于 2013-12-06T21:02:03.433 回答