我程序中的其他所有内容都运行正常,我只需要帮助设置一个 void 函数来计算最高付费客户。
/* Hector Gutierrez
Date: November 27,2013
Math 1900
This program reads information from a file and displays it to an output file alone with there pay rate for the number of days they work
# include <iostream>
# include <fstream>
# include <string>
# include <cstdlib>
# include<iomanip>
using namespace std;
struct Client_Bill_Info
string name;
string adress1;
string adress2;
int numjobs;
double hours;
double min;
double totaltime;
double totalmin;
double total;
double totalhours;
double paycheck;
void name(ofstream&);
void getandprintadress ( ifstream& ,ofstream&,int,double);
void openfiles( ifstream& , ofstream&, string,string);
void highlypaid(ifstream&,ofstream&,int,double );
int main()
ifstream getdata;
ofstream outdata;
int jobs;
double payrate;
string inputfile;
string outputfile;
openfiles( getdata,outdata,inputfile,outputfile);
name (outdata);
cout<<"How many Jobs "<<endl;
cout<<"How much does the company charge per Hour: "<<endl;
cin>>payrate;// how much you pay
Client_Bill_Info customers;
getandprintadress (getdata,outdata,jobs,payrate);
return 0;
我不确定我是否在主程序中正确调用了我的 void 函数
这是我试图创建的用于输出最高付费客户的 void 函数。我知道我必须创建一个if
void highlypaid (ifstream getdata,ofstream outdata,int jobs,double payrate)
这应该是一个 void 函数,它从一个文件中读取数据并将其输出到另一个文件,输出名称、地址、工作数量、工作时间和收入。
void getandprintadress (ifstream& getdata, ofstream& outdata, int jobs,double payrate)
for (int m =0; m<jobs; m++)// By having cin>>employee here it allow for it to loop as many as number of employess you have
Client_Bill_Info customers;//this allows the structure to be included in the function
customers.totalhours = 0;// All these variables must be set equal to zero in order to repeat sum of the valuse by reseting it back to zero
customers.totalmin = 0;
customers.totaltime= 0;
//initially set employee.totalhours,totalmin,totaltime to 0
getline(getdata, customers.name);// gets the first line of data which is the name
getline(getdata, customers.adress1);// Second line of data that reads the adresss
getline(getdata, customers.adress2);// third line of datat that reads the second part of adress
//get the Employee's days worked.
getdata>> customers.numjobs;
outdata << "Customer Information "<<"\n";
outdata << customers.name << "\n";
outdata << customers.adress1 << "\n";
outdata << customers.adress2 << "\n";
outdata << "Number of jobs: " << customers.numjobs << "\n";
for(int i=0; i<customers.numjobs;i++)// loops the program how many days work then reads the number of minutes worked below.
getdata>>customers.hours>>customers.min;//gets the hours and minutes displayed like this because it has to read the hours and minute in a single line
customers.min = customers.min/60;//converts minutes to hours for instance 30 min is .5 hours
customers.totalmin += customers.min;// after being converted from min to hours it takes the sum of minutes
customers.totalhours += customers.hours;// taking the sum of the hours
customers.totaltime = customers.totalmin + customers.totalhours;//adds the total minutes and time to calculate wage
outdata<<"Job: "<< i+1 <<": "<<customers.hours<<" Hours "<<" and "<<customers.min*60<<" "<<" minutes "<<endl;
string dummy;
}//calculate the employee's pay check amount
customers.paycheck = (customers.totaltime * payrate);
// outputs data to my outputfile
outdata << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
outdata << "Amount of Bill: $ " << customers.paycheck << "\n\n";
//Display the employee data to output file.
getdata.ignore();//get the new line
void openfiles( ifstream& getdata , ofstream& outdata, string inputfile,string outputfile )
cout<<"what is the name of your inputfile"<<endl;
if (getdata.fail())//test file as true
cout<<"Opening File Failed "<<endl;
cout<<" What is the name of your output file"<<endl;
outdata .open(outputfile.c_str());
if (outdata.fail())//test file if true
cout<<" File has Fail"<<endl;
void name(ofstream& outdata)
outdata<<"Hector Gutierrez"<<endl;
outdata<<"This program Will Read data from a file and output it to another."<<endl;
outdata<<"Also this program specifically calculates the number of jobs one has work and"<<endl;
outdata<<"how many total hours the company has work at the customers lawn."<<endl;
outdata<<"This program will also calculate the highest payed customer he/she per week"<<endl;
Customer Information
Gavin K. Smith
3928 Ottis Street
Cleveland TN 37311
Number of jobs: 5
Job: 1: 1 Hours and 34 minutes
Job: 2: 2 Hours and 45 minutes
Job: 3: 1 Hours and 55 minutes
Job: 4: 2 Hours and 45 minutes
Job: 5: 0 Hours and 30 minutes
Amount of Bill: $ 85.35
... repeat for other customers....
支付最高的客户是 Name 每周支付的金额是 Amount