我想知道是否有人可以帮助我解决我在 excel VBA 中的打印功能遇到的问题。我正在尝试使用 RK4 打印 ODE 的输出,并且我想知道如何循环 printvalue 函数,以便每个循环都会发生单元格值的增加。
还想知道为什么 PrintValues (x.ToString()) 行说 x 是无效的限定符?如果您觉得代码中有任何其他错误,请告诉我,尽管我相当确定一切正常 任何帮助将不胜感激:)
Option Explicit
Public Function RK_KCTest() 'ByVal rateConst As Double, ByVal equilConst As Double, ByVal initConc As Double, ByVal epsilon As Double, ByVal initFlow As Double, ByVal dv As Double, ByVal xi As Double, ByVal vi As Double, ByVal vf As Double, ByVal vout As Double) As Double
'NOTE: This is the ultimate function, that will essentially take all the function's calculations below it, and accumate them into a matrix which it will then print to the user, displaying the results
Dim rateConst As Double
rateConst = GetValue("F9")
Dim equilConst As Double
equilConst = GetValue("F7")
Dim initConc As Double
initConc = GetValue("F5")
Dim epsilon As Double
epsilon = GetValue("F8")
Dim initFlow As Double
initFlow = GetValue("F6")
Dim dv As Double
dv = GetValue("F11")
Dim xi As Double
xi = GetValue("F12")
Dim vi As Double
vi = GetValue("F10")
Dim vf As Double
vf = GetValue("F13")
Dim vout As Double
vout = GetValue("F15")
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
Dim m As Integer
m = 0
Dim x As Double
x = xi
Dim v As Double
v = vi
Dim vCutoff
Dim dx As Double
dx = Derivatives(x, v, rateConst, equilConst, initConc, epsilon, initFlow, dx)
Dim h As Double
h = 50
Dim hi As Double
hi = h
Dim xnew As Double
Dim xerror As Double
Dim hNext As Double
Dim xScaled As Double
Do 'Loop for the calculation of RK4, calling up the subfunction for each iteration, until the difference between the the final value of v and the value before it is less than that of the stepsize
vCutoff = v + vout
h = dv 'h which is the step size is equal to the change of v, basically just another term for stepsize'
If (vCutoff - v < h) Then h = vCutoff - v 'This is basically a trimmming step, this is used if the increment exceeds the solution determining v value (If the program calculates past the point needed)
If (vCutoff > vf) Then vCutoff = vf
Call RK_KC(x, v, rateConst, equilConst, initConc, epsilon, initFlow, dx, h, dv, xnew, xerror) 'calls the RK4 values calculated in the subfunction, incorparating them into the loop, and declaring the new value of x, so the next iteration is able to start
x = xnew
PrintValue ("x")
PrintValues (x.ToString())
If (v >= vf) Then Exit Do 'If the volume is greater than or equal to the cutoff volume then the program will exit the loop and the final values or solutions can be determined
End Function
Public Function RK_KC(ByRef x As Double, ByRef v As Double, ByVal rateConst As Double, ByVal equilConst As Double, ByVal initConc As Double, ByVal epsilon As Double, ByVal initFlow As Double, ByRef dx As Double, ByRef h As Double, ByRef dv As Double, ByVal xnew As Double, ByVal xerror As Double)
'NOTE: This function is called by the Integrator subfunction, and the calculations in this function are implemented into a loop
'so therefore iterations for every value of x and vnew are computed, and the subfunctions calling the integrator function will display the results in an excel spreadsheet
'Implementing the RKF_KC method into the main function by defining the six k values, as well as the temp values of x calculated between each stored value of k2,k3,k4,k5,k6
Dim k1 As Double, k2 As Double, k3 As Double, k4 As Double, k5 As Double, k6 As Double
Dim xTemp As Double 'Called xTemp because it is a placeholder
Dim a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 As Double
a2 = 0.2
a3 = 0.3
a4 = 0.6
a5 = 1
a6 = 0.875
'The parameters of A column in the butcher table for Cash-Karp RKF method
Dim b21, b31, b32, b41, b42, b43, b51, b52, b53, b54, b61, b62, b63, b64, b65 As Double
b21 = 0.2
b31 = 3 / 40
b32 = 9 / 40
b41 = 0.3
b42 = -0.9
b43 = 1.2
b51 = -11 / 54
b52 = 2.5
b53 = -70 / 27
b54 = 35 / 27
b61 = 1631 / 55296
b62 = 175 / 512
b63 = 575 / 13824
b64 = 44275 / 110592
b65 = 253 / 4096
'The parameters of B matrix in the butcher table for Cash-Karp RKF method
Dim c1, c3, c4, c6 As Double
c1 = 37 / 378
c3 = 250 / 621
c4 = 125 / 594
c6 = 512 / 1771
'The parameters of C row in the butcher table for Cash-Karp RKF method
Dim dc1, dc3, dc4, dc5, dc6 As Double 'The parameters of the differences of between the fourth and fifth order Cash-Karp RKF methods
dc1 = c1 - (2825 / 27648)
dc3 = c3 - (18575 / 48384)
dc4 = c4 - (13525 / 55296)
dc5 = -277 / 14336
dc6 = c6 - 0.25
'The parameters of the differences of between the fourth and fifth order Cash-Karp RKF methods, also known as the local truncation error
xTemp = x + b21 * h * dx 'Calculates the temporary value of x between v;x and v+h;xnew based on k1
x = xTemp
v = v + a2 * h
k2 = Derivatives(x, v, rateConst, equilConst, initConc, epsilon, initFlow, dx) 'Calls the derivative function and calculates the value of k2 using the stepsize, "a" parameters, and the temporary value of x
xTemp = x + h * (b31 * dx + b32 * k2) 'Calculates the temporary value of x between v;x and v+h;xnew based on k2
x = xTemp
v = v + a3 * h
k3 = Derivatives(x, v, rateConst, equilConst, initConc, epsilon, initFlow, dx) 'Calls the derivative function and calculates the value of k3 using the stepsize, "b" parameters, and the temporary value of x
xTemp = x + h * (b41 * dx + b42 * k2 + b43 * k3) 'Calculates the temporary value of x between v;x and v+h;xnew based on k3
x = xTemp
v = v + a4 * h
k4 = Derivatives(x, v, rateConst, equilConst, initConc, epsilon, initFlow, dx) 'Calls the derivative function and calculates the value of k4 using the stepsize, "b" parameters, and the temporary value of x
xTemp = x + h * (b51 * dx + b52 * k2 + b53 * k3 + b54 * k4) 'Calculates the temporary value of x between v;x and v+h;xnew based on k4
x = xTemp
v = v + a5 * h
k5 = Derivatives(x, v, rateConst, equilConst, initConc, epsilon, initFlow, dx) 'Calls the derivative function and calculates the value of k5 using the stepsize, "b" parameters, and the temporary value of x
xTemp = x + h * (b61 * dx + b62 * k2 + b63 * k3 + b64 * k4 + b65 * k5) 'Calculates the temporary value of x between v;x and v+h;xnew based on k5
x = xTemp
v = v + a6 * h
k6 = Derivatives(x, v, rateConst, equilConst, initConc, epsilon, initFlow, dx) 'Calls the derivative function and calculates the value of k6 using the stepsize, "b" parameters, and the temporary value of x
xnew = x + h * (c1 * dx + c3 * k3 + c4 * k4 + c6 * k6) 'The new value of x based on the Cash-Karp RKF butcher table
xerror = h * (dc1 * dx + dc3 * k3 + dc4 * k4 + dc5 * k5 + dc6 * k6) 'the error value of x associated with Cash-Karp RKF
End Function
Public Function Derivatives(ByRef x As Double, ByVal v As Double, ByVal rateConst As Double, ByVal equilConst As Double, ByVal initConc As Double, ByVal epsilon As Double, ByVal initFlow As Double, ByRef dx As Double)
'NOTE: This function is called by the RK4 subfunction to calculate k values
'Defined ODE, which is the change of conversion (dx) over the change of volume(dv). Within this ODE there are constant values of
'Initial flowrate, Initial Concentration, the epsilon value, the equilibrium constant. the reaction rate constant, and finally the value of conversion which is x
dx = ((rateConst * initConc) / (initFlow)) * ((((1 - x) / (1 + (epsilon * x))) - ((4 * initConc * x ^ (2)) / (equilConst * (1 + (epsilon * x)) ^ (2)))))
End Function
Public Function GetValue(cellToGet As String) As Double
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim TxtRng As Range
Dim returnVal As Double
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set TxtRng = ws.Range(cellToGet)
returnVal = CDbl(val(TxtRng.Value))
GetValue = returnVal
Exit Function
End Function
Public Function PrintValue(str As String)
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim TxtRng As Range
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set TxtRng = ws.Range("A5")
TxtRng.Value = str
End Function