我用 Visual C++ 编写的程序遇到以下问题,希望任何人都可以帮助我:
typedef struct spielfeld
int ** Matrix;
int height;
int width;
Walker walker;
Verlauf history;
} Spielfeld;
void show(Spielfeld fieldToShow); //Prototype of the Function where I have this
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int eingabe;
Spielfeld field;
//Initialize .. and so on
//Call show-Function and pass the structure with Call by Value
//But what's happened? field.Matrix has changed!!
//can anyone tell me why? I don't want it to become changed!
//cause that's the reason why I pass the field as Call by Value!
void show(Spielfeld fieldToShow)
//Here is the problem: Alltough the parameter fieldToShow has been passed
//with call by value, "fieldToShow.Matrix[0][0] = 1" changes the field in
fieldToShow.Matrix[0][0] = 1;
//Another try: fieldToShow.walker.letter only affects the local fieldToShow,
//not that field in main! That's strange for me! Please help!
fieldToShow.walker.letter = 'v';