我在 dev c++ 中创建了一个项目。编译时出现此错误。
[链接器错误] 对 `dwt_sym(std::vector >&, int, std::string, std::vector >&, std::vector >&, std::vector >&)' 的未定义引用
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "wavelet2d.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "This program accepts signal from the user in a file format " << endl;
cout << "and performs Discrete Wavelet Transform with specified " << endl;
cout << "wavelet. " << endl;
cout << " " <<endl;
cout << " The Following Wavelets are in the Database: " <endl;
cout << " haar, db1, db2, db3, db4, db5, db6, db7, db8, db9, db10, " <<endl;
cout << " db11, db12, db13, db14, db15. " <<endl;
cout << " bior1.1, bio1.3, bior1.5, bior2.2, bior2.4,bior2.6,bior2.8, " <<endl;
cout << " bior3.1, bior3.3, bior3.5, bior3.7, bior3.9, bior4.4," <<endl;
cout << " bior5.5, bior6.8." <<endl;
cout << " coif1, coif2, coif3, coif4, coif5." <<endl;
cout << "Please Enter the Wavelet Name at the Prompt( No quotes) :" <<endl;
string nm; // nm will store the name of Wavelet Family
cin >> nm;
cout << "Enter the name of signal file at the Prompt eg., signal.txt :" <<endl;
char inp[50];
cin >> inp;
vector<double> sig;
ifstream sig_inp(inp);
if ( !sig_inp.good()){
cout << "The File doesn't exist"<< endl;
while (sig_inp) {
double temp;
sig_inp >> temp;
vector<double> original;
original = sig;
cout << "Please Enter the Number of DWT Stages J :" << endl;
int J;
cin >> J ;
vector<double> dwt_output, flag;
// perform J-Level DWT
vector<int> length;
dwt_sym(sig, J, nm, dwt_output,flag,length);
ofstream dwtout("dwtout.txt");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dwt_output.size(); i++){
dwtout << dwt_output[i] << endl;
//Perform J-Level IDWT
vector<double> output;
idwt_sym(dwt_output, flag,nm,output,length);
ofstream sig1("recon.txt");
ofstream diff("diff.txt");
cout <<" Recon signal size" << output.size() << endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < output.size(); i++){
sig1 << output[i] << endl;
diff << output[i] - original[i] << endl;
return 0;