I read some questions related to my question, like Same sparql not returning same results, but I think is a little different.
Consider this query which I submit into http://live.dbpedia.org/sparql (Virtuoso endpoint) and get 34 triples as a result. Result Sparql
SELECT ?pred ?obj
<http://dbpedia.org/resource/Johann_Sebastian_Bach> ?pred ?obj
FILTER((langMatches(lang(?obj), "")) ||
(langMatches(lang(?obj), "EN"))
Then, I used the same query in a code in python:
import rdflib
import rdfextras
PREFIX = """
PREFIX dbp: <http://dbpedia.org/resource/>
query = """
SELECT ?pred ?obj
WHERE {dbp:Johann_Sebastian_Bach ?pred ?obj
FILTER( (langMatches(lang(?obj), "")) ||
(langMatches(lang(?obj), "EN")))}
query = PREFIX + query
result_set = g.query(query)
print len(result_set)
This time, I get only 27 triples! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/22943656/result.txt
I thought it could be related to the dbpedia site. I repeated these queries several time and always got the same difference. Therefore, I downloaded the RDF file to test it locally, and used the software Protége to simulate the Virtuoso endpoint. Even though, I still have different results from the sparql submitted into Protége and Python, 31 and 27. Is there any explanation for this difference? And how can I get the same result in both?