这是我的代码,用于在两个 Z 表之间插入任意数量的不同站点。我相信可以重写它以在 interp1() 函数中包含所有 Z 表。希望这能让你朝着正确的方向前进。
zLevels = 5; %number of interpolated points between z50 and z75
nStation = 100; %number of (lat,long) pairs to interpolate
for i = 1:nStation %for nStation different (lat, long) pairs generate interp. values
% generate zQuery points between z50 and z75 for each station
zQuery = ((1:zLevels)/zLevels)*range([z50mb_vec(i) z75mb_vec(i)]) + z75mb_vec(i);
% use interp1 to interpolate about the Z axis for U component
U(i,1:zLevels) = interp1([z50mb_vec(i) z75mb_vec(i)],[UwindVec50mb(i) UwindVec75mb(i)],zQuery);
% and for V component
V(i,1:zLevels) = interp1([z50mb_vec(i) z75mb_vec(i)],[VwindVec50mb(i) VwindVec75mb(i)],zQuery);
% defining some color codes for each zLevel, otherwise the plot is a mess
% of colors
colorcode = ['r' 'g' 'b' 'm' 'c' 'r' 'g' 'b' 'm' 'c' 'r'];
for j = 1:nStation
for i = 1:zLevels
quiver3(lat_value(j), long_value(j), zQuery(i), U(j,i), V(j,i), 0, colorcode(i));
hold on;
生成的图(z50 数据为蓝绿色,z75 为红色,否则为插值表):