问题在这里解决了: fgetc not started at the beginning of large txt file
我在 c 中工作,而 fgetc 没有从文件的开头获取字符。它似乎是在文件中的某个地方随机开始的\n
。此函数的目标是修改数组 productsPrinted。如果遇到“需要更多数据”或“隐藏未列出”,则数组中的位置 productsPrinted[newLineCount] 将更改为 0。感谢任何帮助。
更新:它适用于较小的文件,但不能从较大的 617kb 文件的开头开始。
findNoPics(image, productsPrinted);
findVisible(visible, productsPrinted);
removeCategories(category, productsPrinted);
fgetc() 的示例输入:
Diagnostic & Testing /Scan Tools\n
Diagnostic & Testing /Scan Tools\n
Hidden non listed\n
Diagnostic & Testing /Scan Tools\n
Diagnostic & Testing /Scan Tools\n
Hand Tools/Open Stock\n
Hand Tools/Sockets and Drive Sets\n
More Data Needed\n
Hand Tools/Open Stock\n
Hand Tools/Open Stock\n
Hand Tools/Open Stock\n
Shop Supplies & Equip/Tool Storage\n
Hidden non listed\n
Shop Supplies & Equip/Heaters\n
void removeCategories(FILE *category, int *prodPrinted){
char more[17] = { '\0' }, hidden[18] = { '\0' };
int newLineCount = 0, i, ch = 'a', fix = 0;
while ((ch = fgetc(category)) != EOF){ //if fgetc is outside while, it works//
more[15] = hidden[16] = ch;
printf("%c", ch);
/*shift char in each list <- one*/
for (i = 0; i < 17; i++){
if (i < 17){
hidden[i] = hidden[i + 1];
if (i < 16){
more[i] = more[i + 1];
if (strcmp(more, "More Data Needed") == 0 || strcmp(hidden, "Hidden non listed") == 0){
prodPrinted[newLineCount] = 0;
/*printf("%c", more[0]);*/
if (ch == '\n'){