the gTouches function in the rgeos package tests whether "geometries have at least one boundary point in common, but no interior points". I am looking for a way to test whether "geometries have at least one boundary point in common" without the criteria related to interior points.

Here is the basic setup: I have two shapefiles that are mostly embedded in each other. I want to find the polygons in the file with the smaller areas that are at the border of the larger areas. Here is a graph to describe what I am trying to do:

plot(map2, col=NA, border='black', lwd=0.4)
plot(map1, col=NA, border='#666666', lwd=0.2, add=TRUE)

enter image description here

The figure shows census blocks in Staten Island, NY. The green highlighting in one of the larger areas illustrates the blocks I want to identify. Only those that share or cross a border of the larger areas (thick lines). Not the blocks that are in the middle of the larger areas. I tried to do this with with gTouches(map2,map1, byid=TRUE) and other function in the rgeos package but without success. gTouches only returns FALSE probably because the criteria is that "geometries have at least one boundary point in common, but no interior points". Basically, I am looking for a function that tests whether "geometries have at least one boundary point in common" regardless of the interior.

A follow-up question is whether I can get the length of the mutual border?

Data: You can download the two maps here and here. Both are rds files so you can open them like this:

map1 = readRDS('map1.rds')
map2 = readRDS('map2.rds')

1 回答 1



## Identify polygons that intersect but aren't fully contained within the
## school district whose polygon is given by SD = map2[13,]
SD <- map2[13,]
ii <- gIntersects(SD, map1, byid=TRUE) &
      !gContainsProperly(SD, map1, byid=TRUE)
ii <- apply(ii, 1, any)  ## Handy construct if both layers contain >1 polygon

## Plot that area, to show that results are  correct
plot(SD, col=NA, border='black')                  ## Establish plotted area
plot(map1, col=NA, border='#666666', lwd=0.2, add=TRUE)
plot(map1[ii,], col="lightgreen", add=TRUE)
plot(SD, col=NA, border='black', lwd=2, add=TRUE) ## Put SD boundary on top 


编辑 :

然而,这并不完全正确。从上面的地图中可以看出,学区西南和东南部内部的许多本应被识别的小多边形并没有出现。像这样的结果在rgeos操作中经常发生,并且是由于层对(或 GEOS 引擎的中间表示)的微小错误配准引起的。

解决方案是gBuffer()在执行拓扑查询之前使用少量缓冲其中一个层。在这里,坐标以米为单位,经过反复试验,结果表明 20 米的缓冲区足以解决问题:

## Expand every polygon in map1 by a 20-meter wide buffer 
map1_buff <- gBuffer(map1, byid=TRUE, width=20)

## and then use the buffered version of map1 in the topological queries
ii <- gIntersects(SD, map1_buff, byid=TRUE) &
      !gContainsProperly(SD, map1_buff, byid=TRUE)
ii <- apply(ii, 1, any)  ## Handy construct if both layers contain >1 polygon

## Plot that area, to show that results are  correct
plot(SD, col=NA, border='black')                  ## Establish plotted area
plot(map1, col=NA, border='#666666', lwd=0.2, add=TRUE)
plot(map1[ii,], col="lightgreen", add=TRUE)
plot(SD, col=NA, border='black', lwd=2, add=TRUE)



于 2013-11-14T18:42:55.970 回答