嗨,这是我的 c# 中 2 个字符串的最长公共子序列的代码。我需要帮助回溯。我需要找出子序列:GTCGT
String str1 = "GTCGTTCG";
String str2 = "ACCGGTCGAGTG";
int[,] l = new int[str1.Length, str2.Length]; // String 1 length and string 2 length storing it in a 2-dimensional array
int lcs = -1;
string substr = string.Empty;
int end = -1;
for (int i = 0; i <str1.Length ; i++) // Looping based on string1 length
for (int j = 0; j < str2.Length; j++) // Looping based on string2 Length
if (str1[i] == str2[j]) // if match found
if (i == 0 || j == 0) // i is first element or j is first elemnt then array [i,j] = 1
l[i, j] = 1;
l[i, j] = l[i - 1, j - 1] + 1; // fetch the upper value and increment by 1
if (l[i, j] > lcs)
lcs = l[i, j]; // store lcs value - how many time lcs is found
end = i; // index on longest continuous string
else // if match not found store zero initialze the array value by zero
l[i, j] = 0;