我有使用 Application.Match 在数组中查找位置的代码。但是我该如何反其道而行之:根据位置在数组中查找值?


1 回答 1


it is a 1D array "posArr () As Variant". so if the array contains "milk, coke, water" and i want to find the value in position 3 ill "Ar(3) = posArr"? – GodAtum 8 mins ago

Further to my example, see these two examples.

Finding out what is at position 3

Sub Sample()
    Dim posArr
    Dim s As String
    Dim pos As Long

    pos = 3 '~~> 3rd Position

    s = "milk,coke,water"
    posArr = Split(s, ",")

    Debug.Print posArr(pos - 1)
End Sub

Checking if the value at position 3 is "water"

Sub Sample()
    Dim posArr
    Dim s As String
    Dim pos As Long

    pos = 3 '~~> 3rd Position

    s = "milk,coke,water"
    posArr = Split(s, ",")

    If posArr(pos - 1) = "water" Then MsgBox "What an awesome guess!"
End Sub

The reason why we do - 1 because the lowest bound is 0

于 2013-11-14T10:16:23.853 回答