我目前正在编写一个需要能够修改和保留各种数据的应用程序。为此,我决定使用 Core Data。当用户第一次打开应用程序时,我需要从 sqlite 数据库中导入大量数据,这些数据由多对多关系组成。

我想找出将所有这些数据插入我的代码数据存储的最佳方法。现在我正在使用 NSOperation 进行导入,而应用程序的其余部分仍然处于活动状态,因此用户可以做其他事情,但我希望尽快进行导入,以便可以立即访问整个应用程序.

我现在使用的方法是使用 NSFetchRequest 尝试在数据存储中查找相关实体,如果实体存在,我只需将其添加为关系,如果实体不存在,我创建一个新实体并将其添加为关系。这行得通,但我觉得它可能甚至不接近最佳状态。


- (void)importEntitiesIntoContext: (NSManagedObjectContext*)managedObjectContext
    // Setup the database object
    static NSString* const databaseName = @"DBName.sqlite";
    NSString* databasePath = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath] stringByAppendingPathComponent: databaseName];

    sqlite3* database;

    // Open the database from the user's filessytem
    if ( sqlite3_open_v2( [databasePath UTF8String], &database, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, NULL ) == SQLITE_OK ) 
        // Setup the SQL Statement
        NSString* sqlStatement = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"SELECT some_columns FROM SomeTable;"];

        sqlite3_stmt* compiledStatement;
        if ( sqlite3_prepare_v2( database, [sqlStatement UTF8String], -1, &compiledStatement, NULL ) == SQLITE_OK ) 
            // Create objects to test for existence of exercises
            NSPredicate* predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @"something == $SOME_NAME"];

            NSEntityDescription* entityDescription = [NSEntityDescription entityForName: @"SomeEntity" 
                                                                 inManagedObjectContext: managedObjectContext];
            NSFetchRequest* fetchRequest = [[[NSFetchRequest alloc] init] autorelease];
            [fetchRequest setEntity: entityDescription];

            // Loop through the results and add them to the feeds array
            while ( sqlite3_step( compiledStatement ) == SQLITE_ROW ) 
                NSString* someName = [NSString stringWithCharsIfNotNull: (char*)sqlite3_column_text( compiledStatement, 1 )];
                NSPredicate* localPredicate = [predicate predicateWithSubstitutionVariables: 
                                               [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: someName
                                                                           forKey: @"SOME_NAME"]];
                [fetchRequest setPredicate: localPredicate];

                NSError* fetchError;
                NSArray* array = [managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest: fetchRequest 
                                                                     error: &fetchError];
                if ( array == nil )
                    // handle error
                else if ( [array count] == 0 )
                    SomeEntity* entity = 
                    [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName: @"SomeEntity"
                                                  inManagedObjectContext: managedObjectContext];
                    entity.name = someName;

// **here I call a method that attempts to add the relationships(listed below)**

                    // Some entity already in store

            NSLog( @"sqlStatement failed: %@", sqlStatement );

        // Release the compiled statement from memory
        sqlite3_finalize( compiledStatement );

    // All the data has been imported into this temporary context, now save it
    NSError *error = nil;
    if ( ![managedObjectContext save: &error] ) 
        NSLog( @"Unable to save %@ - %@", [error localizedDescription] );


- (void)setRelationshipForEntity: (Entity*)entity 
            inManagedObjectContext: (NSManagedObjectContext*)managedObjectContext 
                     usingDatabase: (sqlite3*)database
                        entityId: (NSNumber*)entityId

    // Setup the SQL Statement and compile it for faster access
    NSString* sqlStatement = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"SELECT Relationship.name FROM Relationship JOIN Entitys_Relationship ON Entitys_Relationship.id_Relationship = Relationship.id JOIN Entitys ON Entitys_Relationship.id_Entitys = Entitys.id WHERE Entitys.id = %d;", [entityId integerValue]];

    sqlite3_stmt* compiledStatement;
    if ( sqlite3_prepare_v2( database, [sqlStatement UTF8String], -1, &compiledStatement, NULL ) == SQLITE_OK ) 
        // Create objects to test for existence of relationship
        NSPredicate* predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @"relationshipName == $RELATIONSHIP_NAME"];

        NSEntityDescription* entityDescription = [NSEntityDescription entityForName: @"EntityRelationship" 
                                                             inManagedObjectContext: managedObjectContext];
        NSFetchRequest* fetchRequest = [[[NSFetchRequest alloc] init] autorelease];
        [fetchRequest setEntity: entityDescription];

        while ( sqlite3_step( compiledStatement ) == SQLITE_ROW ) 
            NSString* relationshipName = [NSString stringWithCharsIfNotNull: (char*)sqlite3_column_text( compiledStatement, 0 )];
            NSPredicate* localPredicate = [predicate predicateWithSubstitutionVariables: 
                                           [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: relationshipName
                                                                       forKey: @"RELATIONSHIP_NAME"]];
            [fetchRequest setPredicate: localPredicate];

            NSError* fetchError;
            NSArray* array = [managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest: fetchRequest 
                                                                 error: &fetchError];
            if ( array == nil )
                // handle error
            else if ( [array count] == 0 )
                EntityRelationship* entityRelationship = 
                [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName: @"EntityRelationship"
                                              inManagedObjectContext: managedObjectContext];
                entityRelationship.relationshipName = relationshipName;

                [entity addRelationshipObject: entityRelationship];
                //NSLog( @"Inserted relationship named %@", relationshipName );
                [entity addRelationship: [NSSet setWithArray: array]];
        NSLog( @"slqStatement failed: %@", sqlStatement );

    // Release the compiled statement from memory
    sqlite3_finalize( compiledStatement );  

2 回答 2


Apple 对如何优化对 Core Data 存储的大量导入有一些建议:

  • 在批量导入期间禁用撤消管理器
  • 不要按记录插入 - 创建大小为 n 的批次(取决于记录大小)
  • 使用本地自动释放池并在每批后将其排空


于 2010-01-04T08:13:21.767 回答


通常,您会在开发过程中将所有数据转换为 Core Data,然后使用预填充的 Core Data 存储发布应用程序(用户无需等待导入)。

于 2010-01-04T07:38:05.813 回答