I am trying to understand how to use gWidgets. I am using it to create a GUI for my colleagues with no programming background (Thus Rcmdr won't work). Here's a sample code:

options(guiToolkit = "RGtk2")
library (tcltk)

# A function I found on SO that pauses the script
mywait <- function() {
tt <- tktoplevel()
tkpack( tkbutton(tt, text='Continue', command=function()tkdestroy(tt)),
tkbind(tt,'<Key>', function()tkdestroy(tt) )

# The interface
win <- gwindow("5 min interval")
Parameter.1 <- gcheckboxgroup(c("Apple","Bananas","Others"),container=win)
Parameter <- svalue(Parameter.1)

Currently, I am experiencing several problems.

Firstly, there isn't a way for the user to close the widget other than by pressing "OK", unlike gmessage, ginput and gconfirm.

Secondly, Parameter is not being updated when the user chooses an option in the widget.

Thirdly, although I have a function to pause the script, it would be better if I can find a way to integrate that pausing in the same container as win.

Can anyone help me please?


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