在 .net 中,我们可以做到这一点!:)
private bool RowMe(string strColumnDelimiter, string strTextQualifier, string strInput, out string[] strSplitOutput, out string strResultMessage)
string[] retVal = null;
bool blnResult = false;
strResultMessage = "";
//---- We need to escape at least some of the most common
// special characters for both delimiter & qualifier ----
switch (strColumnDelimiter) {
case "|":
strColumnDelimiter = "\\|";
case "\\":
strColumnDelimiter = "\\\\";
switch (strTextQualifier)
case "\"":
strTextQualifier = "\\\"";
//---- Let's have our delimited row splitter regex! ----
string strPattern = String.Concat(
, "[^\\S" + strColumnDelimiter + strTextQualifier + "]*" // allow leading whitespace, not counting our delimiter & qualifier
,"(?:[^" + strColumnDelimiter + strTextQualifier +"]*)" // any amount of characters not colum-delimiter or text-qualifier
, "(?:" + strTextQualifier + "(?:(?:[^" + strTextQualifier + "])|(?:" + strTextQualifier + strTextQualifier + "))*" + strTextQualifier + ")" // any amount of characters not text-qualifier OR doubled-text-qualifier inside leading & trailing text-qualifier (allow even colum-delimiter inside text qualifier)
,"(?:(?:[^" + strColumnDelimiter + strTextQualifier + "]{1})(?:[^" + strColumnDelimiter + "]*)(?:[^" + strColumnDelimiter + strTextQualifier + "]{1}))" // any amount of characters not column-delimiter inside other leading & trailing characters not column-delimiter or text-qualifier (allow text-qualifier inside value if it is not leading or trailing)
, "[^\\S" + strColumnDelimiter + strTextQualifier + "]*" // allow trailing whitespace, not counting our delimiter & qualifier
, "){0,1}"
//-- note how this second section is almost the same as the first but with a leading delimiter...
// the first column must not have a leading delimiter, and any subsequent ones must
, "(?:"
, strColumnDelimiter // << :)
, "("
, "[^\\S" + strColumnDelimiter + strTextQualifier + "]*" // allow leading whitespace, not counting our delimiter & qualifier
, "(?:"
, "(?:[^" + strColumnDelimiter + strTextQualifier + "]*)" // any amount of characters not colum-delimiter or text-qualifier
, "|"
, "(?:" + strTextQualifier + "(?:(?:[^" + strTextQualifier + "])|(?:" + strTextQualifier + strTextQualifier + "))*" + strTextQualifier + ")" // any amount of characters not text-qualifier OR doubled-text-qualifier inside leading & trailing text-qualifier (allow even colum-delimiter inside text qualifier)
, "|"
, "(?:(?:[^" + strColumnDelimiter + strTextQualifier + "]{1})(?:[^" + strColumnDelimiter + "]*)(?:[^" + strColumnDelimiter + strTextQualifier + "]{1}))" // any amount of characters not column-delimiter inside other leading & trailing characters not column-delimiter or text-qualifier (allow text-qualifier inside value if it is not leading or trailing)
, ")"
, "[^\\S" + strColumnDelimiter + strTextQualifier + "]*" // allow trailing whitespace, not counting our delimiter & qualifier
, ")"
, "){0,}"
//---- And do the regex Match-ing ! ----
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex objRegex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(strPattern);
System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection objMyMatches = objRegex.Matches(strInput);
//---- So what did we get? ----
if (objMyMatches.Count != 1) {
blnResult = false;
strResultMessage = "--NO-- no overall match";
else if (objMyMatches[0].Groups.Count != 3) {
blnResult = false;
strResultMessage = "--NO-- pattern not correct";
throw new ApplicationException("ERROR SPLITTING FLAT FILE ROW! The hardcoded regular expression appears to be broken. This should not happen!!! What's up??");
else {
int cnt = (1 + objMyMatches[0].Groups[2].Captures.Count);
retVal = new string[cnt];
retVal[0] = objMyMatches[0].Groups[1].Captures[0].Value;
for (int i = 0; i < objMyMatches[0].Groups[2].Captures.Count; i++) {
retVal[i+1] = objMyMatches[0].Groups[2].Captures[i].Value;
blnResult = true;
strResultMessage = "SUCCESS";
strSplitOutput = retVal;
return blnResult;