我正在编写一个在 C 中使用单独链接的代码,以便在发生冲突时将两个或多个值存储在我的哈希表的同一索引上。但现在我不知道如何将多个值放在同一个哈希表索引上。我下面的代码删除了同一索引上最旧的值,只获取新值。我在这里想念什么?
void ht_set( hashtable_t *hashtable, char *key, char *value ) {
int bin = 0;
entry_t *newpair = NULL;//
entry_t *next = NULL;
entry_t *last = NULL;
bin = ht_hash( hashtable, key );//function to calculate hash index value
next = hashtable->table[ bin ];
while( next != NULL && next->key != NULL && strcmp( key, next->key ) > 0 ) {
last = next;
next = next->next;
/* There's already a pair. Let's replace that string. */
if( next != NULL && next->key != NULL && strcmp( key, next->key ) == 0 ) {
free( next->value );
next->value = strdup( value );
/* Nope, could't find it. Time to grow a pair. */
} else {
newpair = ht_newpair( key, value );
/* We're at the start of the linked list in this bin. */
if( next == hashtable->table[ bin ] ) {
newpair->next = next;
hashtable->table[ bin ] = newpair;
/* We're at the end of the linked list in this bin. */
} else if ( next == NULL ) {
last->next = newpair;
/* We're in the middle of the list. */
} else {
newpair->next = next;
last->next = newpair;
struct entry_s {
char *key;
char *value;
struct entry_s *next;
typedef struct entry_s entry_t;
struct hashtable_s {
int size;
struct entry_s **table;
typedef struct hashtable_s hashtable_t;