I was reading Accelerated c++ chapter 4 where they teach about dividing a c++ program in different files. Here, they write that we should not use the "using _::" construct in header files because whoever is including the header might want to use a different implementation. But while implementing the methods in the header file, the use of "using" is fine. Can you please clarify this? While linking the implementation object file, won't the program eventually use the "using::" construct? Here is the code:

//median.h file
#ifndef GUARD_median_h
#define GUARD_median_h
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

double median(std::vector<double>); // <<<<<<<< no "using std::vector"

But in median.cpp:

#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>

using std::vector; // <<<<< "using" construct used
using std::domain_error; // <<<<< "using" construct used

double median(vector<double> vec){
    if(vec.size() == 0) throw domain_error("median for an empty vector not defined");
    //....... rest of the implementation

To clarify a bit more:

Here is my client calling the above header:

#include "median.h"
using my_vector_impl::vector;
//..some function...
    std::vector v1;
    double med = median(v1);

Am I right in saying that we prevent "using std::vector" in header so that we can use line 2 in above code?


3 回答 3





// Header:

using std::vector;

// Client:

#include <Header>

class vector { ... };

void f() {
    vector v; // Ambiguous because of something out of my control


于 2013-11-12T21:25:23.050 回答
于 2013-11-12T21:24:35.433 回答

The "using" declaration is only a compile time construct, saving you from having to type std:: (or another namespace) over and over again. In your own .cpp implementation file, it's fine to use a using declaration because you have control over that file. If you include it in a .h (header) file, every file that includes that header would also be including your using declaration, including the ones you don't have control over, and may never have even heard of.

A classic example would be an implementation file that's using tr1::shared_ptr, vs std::shared_ptr which only came along later. If your header file includes std::shared_ptr, then their code will no longer compile, and it's difficult for them to know why.

Incidentally, this is also why macros are now considered evil.

于 2013-11-12T21:24:44.507 回答