我正在读一本书(Assembly Language Step by Step,Programming with Linux by Jeff Duntemann),我正在尝试更改这个显示参数的程序,以显示环境变量。我试图只使用到目前为止所教的内容(没有 C),并且我已经让程序打印环境变量,但只有在我计算了我有多少并使用了立即数之后,显然不令人满意。这是我所拥有的:
global _start ; Linker needs this to find the entry point!
nop ; This no-op keeps gdb happy...
mov ebp,esp ; Save the initial stack pointer in EBP
; Copy the command line argument count from the stack and validate it:
cmp dword [ebp],MAXARGS ; See if the arg count exceeds MAXARGS
ja Error ; If so, exit with an error message
; Here we calculate argument lengths and store lengths in table ArgLens:
xor eax,eax ; Searching for 0, so clear AL to 0
xor ebx,ebx ; Stack address offset starts at 0
mov ecx,0000ffffh ; Limit search to 65535 bytes max
mov edi,dword [ebp+16+ebx*4] ; Put address of string to search in EDI
mov edx,edi ; Copy starting address into EDX
cld ; Set search direction to up-memory
repne scasb ; Search for null (0 char) in string at edi
jnz Error ; REPNE SCASB ended without finding AL
mov byte [edi-1],10 ; Store an EOL where the null used to be
sub edi,edx ; Subtract position of 0 from start address
mov dword [ArgLens+ebx*4],edi ; Put length of arg into table
inc ebx ; Add 1 to argument counter
cmp ebx,44; See if arg counter exceeds argument count
jb ScanOne ; If not, loop back and do another one
; Display all arguments to stdout:
xor esi,esi ; Start (for table addressing reasons) at 0
mov ecx,[ebp+16+esi*4] ; Pass offset of the message
mov eax,4 ; Specify sys_write call
mov ebx,1 ; Specify File Descriptor 1: Standard Output
mov edx,[ArgLens+esi*4] ; Pass the length of the message
int 80H ; Make kernel call
inc esi ; Increment the argument counter
cmp esi,44 ; See if we've displayed all the arguments
jb Showem ; If not, loop back and do another
jmp Exit ; We're done! Let's pack it in!
我将位移向上移动到 和 中的第一个空指针到第一个环境变量([ebp+4+ebx*4] > [ebp+16+ebx*4]
)。当我与我拥有的环境变量的数量(44)进行比较时,它会在没有段错误的情况下很好地打印它们,与 45 相比只会给我一个段错误。ScanOne
我尝试使用指针与零进行比较(搜索空指针):cmp dword [ebp+16+ebx*4],0h