rnumbers <- data.frame(replicate(5,runif(20000, 0, 1)))
dt <- c(.001)
A <- dt*1
B <- dt*.5
## A = 0
## B = 1
rstate <- rnumbers # copy the structure
rstate[] <- NA # preserve structure with NA's
# Init:
rstate[1, ] <- rnumbers[1, ] < .02 & rnumbers[1, ] > 0.01
step_generator <- function(col, rnum){
for (i in 2:length(col) ){
if( rnum[i] < B) { col[i] <- 0 }
else { if (rnum[i] < A) {col[i] <- 1 }
else {col[i] <- col[i-1] } }
# Run for each column index:
for(cl in 1:5){ rstate[ , cl] <-
step_generator(rstate[,cl], rnumbers[,cl]) }
rstate1 <- transform(rstate, time = rep(dt))
rstate2 <- transform(rstate1, cumtime = cumsum(time))
这给了我一个包含 5 列的数据框,其中包含随时间推移的状态切换。时间间隔在第 6 列(秒),累积时间在第 7 列(秒)。现在我想看看每个状态持续多长时间(以秒为单位)。这就是我正在做的 -
1)lengths <- rle(rstate2[,1])
>Run Length Encoding
lengths: int [1:15] 366 3278 1817 451 3033 1655 1901 748 742 1780 ...
values : num [1:15] 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 ...
2)lengths1 <- data.frame(state = lengths$values, duration = lengths$lengths)
> lengths1
state duration
1 0 366
2 1 3278
3 0 1817
4 1 451
5 0 3033
6 1 1655
7 0 1901
8 1 748
9 0 742
10 1 1780
11 0 26
12 1 458
13 0 305
14 1 1039
15 0 2401
lengths2 <- transform(lengths1, time = duration*dt)
lengths3 <- arrange(lengths2, desc(state))
> lengths3
state duration time
1 1 3278 3.278
2 1 451 0.451
3 1 1655 1.655
4 1 748 0.748
5 1 1780 1.780
6 1 458 0.458
7 1 1039 1.039
8 0 366 0.366
9 0 1817 1.817
10 0 3033 3.033
11 0 1901 1.901
12 0 742 0.742
13 0 26 0.026
14 0 305 0.305
15 0 2401 2.401
4)col1 <- ddply(lengths3, .(state), function(df) 1/mean(df$time))
> col1
state V1
1 0 0.7553583
2 1 0.7439685
因此,col1 向我显示了 .column1 的“1/mean(每个状态下的时间)” rstate2
。我想做的是为每一列迭代步骤 1-4,rstate2
> rates
state col1 col2 col3 col4 col5
1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
2 1 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
rstate2 中每一列的数字。