我需要求解具有复杂初始值的复杂域定义的 ODE 系统。scipy.integrate.odeint 不适用于复杂系统。我喜欢将我的系统分成实部和虚部并分别求解,但我的 ODE 系统的 rhs 涉及因变量本身及其复共轭之间的乘积。我该怎么做?这是我的代码,我尝试在 Re 和 Im 部分中破坏 RHS,但由于复数之间的内部乘积,我认为解决方案与不破坏它的解决方案不同。在我的脚本中,u1 是一个(非常)长的复杂函数,例如 u1(Lm) = f_real(Lm) + 1j* f_imag(Lm)。
from numpy import *
from scipy import integrate
def cj(z): return z.conjugate()
def dydt(y, t=0):
# Notation
# Dependent Variables
theta1 = y[0]
theta3 = y[1]
Lm = y[2]
u11 = u1(Lm)
u13 = u1(3*Lm)
zeta1 = -2*E*u11*theta1
zeta3 = -2*E*3*u13*theta3
# Coefficients
A0 = theta1*cj(zeta1) + 3*theta3*cj(zeta3)
A2 = -zeta1*theta1 + 3*cj(zeta1)*theta3 + zeta3*cj(theta1)
A4 = -theta1*zeta3 - 3*zeta1*theta3
A6 = -3*theta3*zeta3
A = - (A2/2 + A4/4 + A6/6)
# RHS vector components
dy1dt = Lm**2 * (theta1*(A - cj(A)) - cj(theta1)*A2/2
- 3/2*theta3*cj(A2)
- 3/4*cj(theta3)*A4
- zeta1)
dy2dt = Lm**2 * (3*theta3*(A - cj(A)) - theta1*A2/2
- cj(theta1)*A4/4
- 1/2*cj(theta3)*A6
- 3*zeta3)
dy3dt = Lm**3 * (A0 + cj(A0))
return array([dy1dt, dy2dt, dy3dt])
t = linspace(0, 10000, 100) # Integration time-step
ry0 = array([0.001, 0, 0.1]) # Re(initial condition)
iy0 = array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # Im(initial condition)
y0 = ry0 + 1j*iy0 # Complex Initial Condition
def rdydt(y, t=0): # Re(RHS)
return dydt(y, t).real
def idydt(y, t=0): # Im(RHS)
return dydt(y, t).imag
ry, rinfodict = integrate.odeint(rdydt, y0, t, full_output=True)
iy, iinfodict = integrate.odeint(idydt, y0, t, full_output=True)
我得到的错误是这个 TypeError: array cannot be safe cast to required type odepack.error: Result from function call is not a proper array of