I face a problem when tried to assign a value with a specific index. suppose I have javascript variable like
var track = new Array();
Now I assign a value for a specific index like-
track[10]= "test text";
now array has one value and it's length would be 1. But the main problem is it show it's length is 11.
alert(track.length); // 11 but I expect 1
and if I print its value then it shows like--
alert(track); // ,,,,,,,,,test text
and if I console this array then it show like below--
console.log(track); // undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,.....,test text
I am very much confused because I assign only one value but it show 11. How it assign it's value and what characteristics array variable shows. Can anyone explain me and how to get its length 1 using below code--
var track = new Array();
track[10]= "test text";
alert(track); // test text
alert(track.length); // 1
console.log(track); // test text