mov eax, 4
mov ebx, (file descriptor here)
mov ecx, myBuffer
mov edx, myBufferLen
int 80h
mov eax, 6
int 80h
但我不确定如何获取文件描述符。有人告诉我,每当你打开一个文件,调用服务调度程序后,eax 就有文件描述符。无论我尝试什么,它都不会创建新文件或保存当前文件。
section .text
global _start
pop ebx ; this is the amount of parameter received (in this case 2)
pop ebx ; this is the direction of our program
pop ebx ; this is the first parameter (our file name eg. "text.txt")
;we open the file
mov eax, 5
push ebx ; we save the file name in the stack for later use
mov ecx,0
int 80h
; and then we move the information read to buffer
mov eax, 3
mov ebx, eax ; really dont know how this works, but it does.
mov ecx, fileBuffer
mov edx, fileBufferSize
int 80h
现在 fileBuffer(至于 .bss 节中定义的缓冲区)拥有我们打开的文件中的内容。在这里您可以编辑信息。当我们想将它保存回文件时,它是这样的:
;open the file
mov eax, 5
pop ebx ; the file name was stored in the stack,
push ebx ; so we retrieve it and save it back for later use
mov ecx, 2 ; ecx has the access mode ("2"aloud us to read/write)
mov edx, $0666
int 80h
;now we are going to write to the file
mov ebx, eax ; eax has the file descriptor we opened. so we move it to ebx.
mov eax, 4 ; we are going to use the write service (#4)
mov ecx, fileBuffer ; ecx has the adress of what we want to write
mov edx, fileBufferSize ; edx has the amount of bytes we want to write
int 80h
; close the file
mov eax, 6
int 80h
jmp exit ; jump wherever you want, or end your program... etc.
mov eax, 5 ; __NR_open
mov ebx, filename ; zero terminated!
mov ecx, 2 ; O_WRITE? Check me on this!
mov edx, 777q ; permissions - Check me on this, too!
int 80h
; did we succeed?
cmp eax, -4096
ja exit
mov [descriptor], eax
; and so on...
xor eax, eax ; claim no error
mov ebx, eax
neg ebx
mov eax, 1 ; __NR_exit
int 80h
我不确定打开标志和权限的“神奇数字”,现在懒得查找它们(fs.h?)。您可能需要使用 O_CREATE “或”打开标志来创建新文件(?)。“exit:”的技巧否定了(负)ERRNO(如果有的话),因此您可以使用“echo $?”轻松阅读它。那样的东西...