我正在尝试在 php 表单中单击一次使用 fpdf 生成多个(集群中)pdf 报告。

test_center 是单独报告的集群。当点击提交按钮时,会调用fpdf的php文件。而且我的代码还没有工作。

到目前为止,在我的 php 中:

$program="select distinct test_center  from sa_sase_result where school_year = '$content' ";
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($prog))
    echo '<option>' .$row['test_center'] . '</option>';      

$message = null;

    if(!isset($_POST['depchair'])) {

    } else if($_POST['depchair']=="") {

    } else {            
        $input_depchair = addslashes($_POST['depchair']);                       

        $input_depchair = addslashes($_POST['depchair']);
        $pro_email="select control_no  from sa_student_infoe y where y.test_center = '$input_depchair'";

        $address = mysql_result($pro_address, 0);

编辑:这是 generate_pdf.php 文件。



 mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "1234") or die(mysql_error()); 
 mysql_select_db("final") or die(mysql_error()); 

 $query = "SELECT * FROM sa_student_infoe, sa_student_edubg, sa_sase_result, sa_accounts";
      $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
      while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH)){
      $control_no[] = $row['control_no'];
      $surname[] = $row['surname'];
      $fname[] = $row['fname'];
      $mname[] = $row['mname'];
      $app_no[] = $row['activation_code'];
      $schoolyear[] = $row['schoolyear'];
      $schl[] = $row['high_school'];
      $schl_ad[] = $row['address_school']; 
      $apt[] = $row['aptitude']; 
      $mth[] = $row['math'];
      $lng[] = $row['language'];
      $sci[] = $row['science'];
      $totgrd[] = $row['total_grade'];
      $sx[] = $row['sex'];


 $ctrl_no = array_shift( $control_no );
 $sname = array_shift( $surname );
 $firstname = array_shift( $fname );
 $midname = array_shift( $mname );
 $appno = array_shift( $app_no );
 $schyear = array_shift( $schoolyear );
 $school = array_shift( $schl );
 $school_ad = array_shift( $schl_ad );
 $aptitude = array_shift( $apt );
 $math = array_shift( $mth );
 $lang = array_shift( $lng );
 $science = array_shift( $sci );
 $gr = array_shift( $totgrd );
 $sex = array_shift( $sx );

$pdf = new FPDF();
$pdf->SetFont('Arial','', 12);

$pdf->Cell(0, 0,'Mindanao State University', 0, 1, 'C');
$pdf->Cell(0, 10,'System Admission and Scholarship Examination (SASE)', 0, 1, 'C');
$pdf->Cell(0, 20,'REPORT OF RATING', 0, 1, 'C');

$pdf->Cell(30,5,'Control No:');
$pdf->Cell(30,5,'School Year:');
$pdf->Cell(30,15,'Activation Code:');
$pdf->Cell(10,15,'   ' . $appno);



$pdf->Cell(-25,160,'SCHOOL ADDRESS');




$pdf->Output("pdf_reports/SASE_report_rating/".$ctrl_no.".pdf", "F");


1 回答 1



$("#id_of_generate_it_button").click(function () {
    var N = 10;// ten pdf files will be generated and stored to the disk
    for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {// 'the loop' -- walk thru all parallel generation processes connected to the event
        parameter = N;// just to definite each single generated file
        $.get("generate.php?q=parameter", function (data) {// start the ajax process to generate single document
                                                           // ?q=parameter i wrote just for passing to the php file some dependent parameter for each single file 
            // pdf #i generated
    }// end for parallel generating N pdf files to the disk
});//end click 


$query = "SELECT * FROM sa_student_infoe, sa_student_edubg, sa_sase_result, sa_accounts WHERE some_field = ' . $_REQUEST['q'] . '";// single record from all
于 2013-11-10T19:20:34.240 回答