can i do such a feature with resx files or should I store them in a database (schemaless) or is there a better way to do this?
can i do such a feature with resx files or should I store them in a database (schemaless) or is there a better way to do this?
您可以使用 XML 文件进行翻译,在应用程序启动时解析它们并将翻译存储在缓存中。您可以使用 FileSystemWatcher 类来查看何时有人更新文件,然后使缓存失效。
您可以使用 xml 或 sql 表。您应该为管理员准备一个页面并列出所有要翻译的单词。语言管理员登录的基础,将单词的翻译更新到您的表格或 xml 文件中。另外,为了获得最佳性能,将每个语言单词加载到系统捕获。
写一些这样的代码来将单词输入到表或 xml 中。
在你的 aspx
public static string GetString(string word)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(word)) return "";
Dictionary<string, string> resourcesDictionary = GetResource(GetLanguageID());
if (resourcesDictionary != null)
if (!resourcesDictionary.ContainsKey(word.ToLower()))
Expression exp = new Expression();
exp.Word = exp.Translation = word;
exp.LanguageID = GetLanguageID();
exp.SiteID = Globals.GetSiteID();
if (exp.SiteID == 0 && exp.LanguageID == 0)
return word;
if (FLClass.createExpression(exp, ref resourcesDictionary) > 0)
return resourcesDictionary[word];
return word;
return resourcesDictionary[word.ToLower()];
return word;
return word;
................... 编辑功能
public class ViewExpressionListEdit : BaseWebService
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public bool updateExpression(ExpressionService expressionService)
Expression expression = new Expression();
expression.ExpressionID = expressionService.ExpressionID;
expression.Translation = expressionService.Translation;
expression.LanguageID = expressionService.LanguageID;
expression.SiteID = Globals.GetSiteID();
return FLClass.updateExpression(expression);