我在 Mac 上使用 Mono,与 Unity 一起安装。
http://www.mono-project.com/Mono:Runtime:Documentation:AOT页面声明带有 aot 选项的单声道编译器应该生成 .so 文件。
我得到的是一个 dylib 文件。
我的目标是从托管的 c# dll 文件生成 so 文件。
Gerleis-Mac:CrazInvaders gerleim$ /Applications/Unity/MonoDevelop.app/Contents/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/2.10.2/bin/mono --aot -O=all iOSBuild/Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll
Mono Ahead of Time compiler - compiling assembly /Users/gerleim/Desktop/CrazInvaders/iOSBuild/Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll
Code: 2217337 Info: 87704 Ex Info: 56841 Unwind Info: 80 Class Info: 4663 PLT: 5477 GOT Info: 364454 GOT: 35852 Offsets: 109275
Executing the native assembler: as -arch i386 -W -o /var/folders/b4/4tgynrr570zd5qdng_4ljs9m0000gn/T/mono_aot_uGBs4E.o /var/folders/b4/4tgynrr570zd5qdng_4ljs9m0000gn/T/mono_aot_uGBs4E
Executing the native linker: gcc -m32 -dynamiclib -o /Users/gerleim/Desktop/CrazInvaders/iOSBuild/Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll.dylib.tmp /var/folders/b4/4tgynrr570zd5qdng_4ljs9m0000gn/T/mono_aot_uGBs4E.o
Compiled 12759 out of 12761 methods (99%)
2 methods have other problems (0%)
Methods without GOT slots: 8190 (64%)
Direct calls: 716 (20%)
JIT time: 1427 ms, Generation time: 1045 ms, Assembly+Link time: 1712 ms.
(从 Unity IDE 构建时,Unity 使用 mono 和 aot 并为 XCode/iOS 生成 .s 文件。)