我正在抓取一个包含以下格式日期的网页:“2013 年 11 月 8 日”。在我返回日期后,它们被组织成一个无序的字符串数组。然后我想做的是以某种方式将这些字符串转换为简单的日期格式,如 yyyy-MM-dd,以便我可以订购它们并使用它们与日历交互?
968 次
4 回答
private String dateLongStringConvert(String dateLongString) {
// split long date string into string array
String[] dateArray = dateLongString.split(" ");
// get day of month as an integer (strip out non numeric chars)
int dayOfMonth = Integer.parseInt(dateArray[0].replaceAll("\\D+", ""));
// Convert month string to number
String month = "";
switch (dateArray[1]) {
case "January":
month = "01";
case "Feburary":
month = "02";
case "March":
month = "03";
case "April":
month = "04";
case "May":
month = "05";
case "June":
month = "06";
case "July":
month = "07";
case "August":
month = "08";
case "September":
month = "09";
case "October":
month = "10";
case "Novemember":
month = "11";
case "December":
month = "12";
// return formated date string
return dateArray[2] + "-" + month + "-" + String.format("%02d", dayOfMonth);
于 2013-11-08T17:54:04.903 回答
String inputDate = "8th November 2013";
inputDate = inputDate.replaceAll("([0-9])st|nd|rd|th|\\.", "$1"); // get rid of the th.
Date date = new SimpleDateFormat("d MMM y", Locale.ENGLISH).parse(inputDate); // parse input date
String outputDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(date); // format to output date
于 2013-11-08T18:25:37.907 回答
to_char('YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:ss')
于 2013-11-08T17:39:30.043 回答
做这种事情的正确方法是使用像 Stanford Temporal Tagger 这样的解析器并从文本中找出日期。团队提供了一个不错的 GUI ( http://nlp.stanford.edu:8080/sutime/process ) 来评估该工具
于 2013-11-08T17:23:18.187 回答