Explorer 忽略了我的代码中的循环并且对 var id 不做任何事情。我真的很困惑,因为我检查它应该告诉我什么时候有数字,什么时候没有。
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var c;
var id;
var x=prompt("let´s see if this work.");
c =(x.length);
alert("have " + c + " characters ");
alert("Last character is " + x.substring((c-1), c));
// loop supposed to check ever character and stop when counter "c" reach 0.
//id is supposed to become false if there is a number inside and stop the loop
// for some reason firefox is skipping loop
while (c!=0 && id===true)
alert("start in " + c);
id=isNaN(x.substring((c-1), c));
alert("ends in " + c);
// id true mean no nomber id false mean there is a number
if (id === true)
alert("No number inside")
alert("number inside");