I am trying to customize this wordpress theme : http://themes.industrialthemes.com/?theme=continuum

It have a slider named spotlight. It have a dark background. I want to change it. I right clicked on it and and selected inspect element. I opened the style editor and tried to modify the css to change it.

I checked the continuum/style.css. There it mentioned that, spotlight can be changed at component.css. I check there too but can not understand what to change and where. It is very difficult to find the exact place to change the code.

Can anyone please help me to go through the entire procedure of finding the right place to change the css code to change the spotlight background.

Thank you.


2 回答 2


如果您可以在 Chrome 开发人员工具(检查元素)中看到元素和样式,那么您应该能够即时调整样式。如果您能在网站上看到这些变化,您就会知道您来对地方了。


在 wordpress 中编辑模板(当然先复制它),特别是您在上面找到的样式表。一个模板可能有一个或两个奇怪的样式表,因此请确保您正在编辑正确的样式表。

于 2013-11-08T07:23:00.887 回答

您需要更改类#spotlight 中的背景。这里使用了图像,您可以将其更改为您想要的颜色

于 2013-11-08T07:19:39.727 回答