阅读了这个问题后,我设置了一个 onLoadFinished 函数来处理表单数据提交后的页面:

var page = require("webpage").create();

page.open("http://www.mysite.com/login", function (status) {
  page.includeJs('jquery-1.10.2.min.js', function () {

    //Setup function to handle receiving the response after we click the button
    page.onLoadFinished = function (response) {
      page.includeJs('jquery-1.10.2.min.js', function () {
        var out = page.evaluate(function () {
          //For simplicity, let's say the resulting page contains only one div
          //with the output we want to test.
          return $("div").html();

        //If the term 'Username or Password Incorrect' is on the page, then that
        //means the login failed.
        if(out.search('Username or Password Incorrect') !== -1) {
          console.log("Failed to login when it should have worked.");
        } else {
          console.log("Login succeeded.");

    //This is where we actually load the page for the first time and submit the
    //form data
    page.evaluate(function () {

现在,这段代码有效,但在我看来,我不应该多次包含同一个 JS 文件。但是如果我只包含第一个 includeJs 调用(最外面的那个),我会得到一个错误ReferenceError: Can't find variable: $


我觉得我真的很困惑,并且没有以正确的方式做事。有人可以解释在 PhantomJS 中单击链接、提交表单数据和评估结果页面的正确方法吗?


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