Amazon says the following on Redshift billing "Node usage hours are billed for each hour your data warehouse cluster is running in an Available state. If you no longer wish to be charged for your data warehouse cluster, you must terminate it to avoid being billed for additional node hours." This means if I just create a cluster and whether use it or not I'll be billed 24/7 because the cluster doesn't have any state like "Suspend". Is there a way to shut down the whole Redshift server when not in use so that I'll be billed only for the hours when I want to use the clusters?

Edit: With Tomasz's reply it sounds like if I want to shutdown the cluster on weekend it'll be like backing up the whole database on Friday evening and restoring on Sunday evening. This doesn't sound good. What does Amazon really mean when they say "PAY ONLY FOR THE HOURS YOU USE"?

Can you tell me how much time will it take to backup/restore a data warehouse of size around 100GB? Can I automatically associate security groups to the cluster after restoring from the Java code?


3 回答 3



您将为 S3 存储付费,但这比运行 Redshift 集群要少得多。

第二天只需从最新快照恢复集群。您必须将安全组添加到新集群,可能使用JAVA API


创建快照的最简单方法是从控制台,但您可能希望使用cliJava SDK自动完成。

创建一个填充了 80% 的 3 节点集群的快照花了我大约 5 分钟(它是如此之快,因为快照是增量的)。100GB 比我的设置少得多,所以应该更快。也恢复不应该需要很长时间。

于 2013-11-07T06:33:23.337 回答

更新:这几年发生了很多变化,特别是从快照恢复现在非常快。您的集群将在几分钟内变为可用,您可以在后台继续恢复时运行查询。完全恢复 100GB 的总时间现在以分钟为单位(因节点类型和数量而异)。



您能告诉我备份/恢复大约 100GB 大小的数据仓库需要多长时间吗?

快照是增量的,这就是它们快速的原因(正如 Tomasz 所提到的)。关闭集群大约半小时是相当快的。但是从快照恢复非常慢 ,我建议大约 3 小时来恢复 100GB。

如果您真的希望能够快速启动和关闭数据库集群,您最好使用另一个分析数据库(例如 Greenplum 或 Vertica 免费版)并将数据存储在 EBS 卷上。不过,管理起来需要更多的工作,这就是权衡。

于 2013-11-08T14:36:31.860 回答

现在我们可以暂停和恢复 Redshift 集群(控制台和 CLI)



于 2020-03-26T09:37:15.950 回答