im trying to send the following structs on MPI:
union atributo{
int valor1;
char *valor2;
float valor3;
struct estructura{
int *tipo;
union atributo *list;
I know they are dinamic pointers but i need to use them. I have the sames structs with statics pointers working but with this ones i cant make them work.
The MPI structs are:
MPI_Datatype atributo_MPI;
MPI_Datatype type[1] = { MPI_BYTE };
int blocklen[1] = { (tamChar +1) };
MPI_Aint disp[1];
disp[0]= offsetof(union atributo, valor2);
MPI_Type_create_struct(1, blocklen, disp, type, &atributo_MPI);
MPI_Datatype estructura_MPI;
MPI_Datatype type2[2] = { MPI_INT, atributo_MPI };
int blocklen2[2] = { tamEstruct, tamEstruct};
MPI_Aint disp2[2];
disp2[0]= offsetof(struct estructura, tipo);
disp2[1]= offsetof(struct estructura, list);
MPI_Type_create_struct(2, blocklen2, disp2, type2, &estructura_MPI);
Here is an example of how i send the 3 types of union.
union atributo *atributo2;
atributo2=malloc(sizeof(char) * (tamChar+1));
atributo2[0].valor1= 99999999;
MPI_Send(&atributo2[0], 1, atributo_MPI, 1, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
union atributo *atributo3;
atributo3=malloc(sizeof(char) * (tamChar+1));
atributo3[0].valor2[k]= 'A' + ( rand() % ( 'Z' - 'A'));
atributo3[0].valor2[k] = '\0';
MPI_Send(&atributo3[0], 1, atributo_MPI, 2, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
union atributo *atributo4;
atributo4=malloc(sizeof(char) * (tamChar+1));
float valor1,valor2;
MPI_Send(&atributo4[0], 1, atributo_MPI, 3, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
Here the Receive:
union atributo *atributo3;
atributo3=malloc(sizeof(char) * (tamChar+1));
printf("Valor atributo CHAR %s\n",atributo3[0].valor2); // HERE IT CRASH
If i try to send UNIONs, it works fine with float and int but dosnt work with the array of char.
Here is the error when i try to printf the value2:
*** Process received signal ***
Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
Failing at address: 0x7fa02e917678
Of course, the struct dosnt work yet. I will appreciate any answer. Thank you.