Uncaught ReferenceError: Room is not defined
Room.subscribe(req, [{id: "5278861ab9a0d2cd0e000001"}], function (response) {
这是在 app.js 的上下文中
(function (io) {
// as soon as this file is loaded, connect automatically,
var socket = io.connect();
if (typeof console !== 'undefined') {
log('Connecting to Sails.js...');
socket.on('connect', function socketConnected() {
// Listen for Comet messages from Sails
socket.on('message', function messageReceived(message) {
// Replace the following with your own custom logic
// to run when a new message arrives from the Sails.js
// server.
log('New comet message received :: ', message);
// Here's where you'll want to add any custom logic for
// when the browser establishes its socket connection to
// the Sails.js server.
'Socket is now connected and globally accessible as `socket`.\n' +
'e.g. to send a GET request to Sails, try \n' +
'`socket.get("/", function (response) ' +
'{ console.log(response); })`'
// This is the part I added:
Room.subscribe(req, [{id: "5278861ab9a0d2cd0e000001"}], function (response) {
// Expose connected `socket` instance globally so that it's easy
// to experiment with from the browser console while prototyping.
window.socket = socket;
// Simple log function to keep the example simple
function log () {
if (typeof console !== 'undefined') {
console.log.apply(console, arguments);
我会以正确的方式解决这个问题吗?我应该将其直接存储在app.js 中吗?