
TRIM(eml.fxeml1) as "Email Address"
FROM pfship

LEFT JOIN mstfxem fax
ON fax.fxco=pfship.cshco AND fax.fxdiv=pfship.cshdiv AND fax.fxsold=pfship.cshsld
AND fax.fxtype='C' AND TRIM(fax.fxfax1) <> '' AND fax.fxdept LIKE '*F%'

LEFT JOIN mstfxem eml
ON eml.fxco=pfship.cshco AND eml.fxdiv=pfship.cshdiv AND eml.fxsold=pfship.cshsld
AND eml.fxtype='C' AND TRIM(eml.fxeml1) <> '' AND eml.fxdept LIKE '*E%'

WHERE ((pfship.cshco || '/' || pfship.cshdiv) = ?)
  AND (? = '*ALL' OR CAST(cshsld AS CHAR(15)) = ?) 
  AND ...
  ORDER BY TRIM(cshnme)

此查询应返回 9 条记录。当我删除:

LEFT JOIN mstfxem fax
ON fax.fxco=pfship.cshco AND fax.fxdiv=pfship.cshdiv AND fax.fxsold=pfship.cshsld
AND fax.fxtype='C' AND TRIM(fax.fxfax1) <> '' AND fax.fxdept LIKE '*F%'

LEFT JOIN mstfxem eml
ON eml.fxco=pfship.cshco AND eml.fxdiv=pfship.cshdiv AND eml.fxsold=pfship.cshsld
AND eml.fxtype='C' AND TRIM(eml.fxeml1) <> '' AND eml.fxdept LIKE '*E%'

我得到了 9 条记录,但有了它,我得到了 360 条记录。我的加入有什么问题?


我认为问题是 1 人可以有很多电子邮件或传真,如何将结果分组为每条记录 1 个字符串,这样我最终只有 9 条记录?


1 回答 1




select t1.field1, t2.email
from table1 t1 
join (select myid, max(email) as email from table2 group by myid) t2 
  on t1.myid = t2.myid


select t1.field1, t2.email
from table1 t1 
Left join from table2  t2 
  on t1.myid = t2.myid and t2.active = 1

Or if you want all of the emails in a comma delimited list, that code is database specific and you would need to let us know which database backend you are using.

于 2012-08-09T15:17:04.717 回答